Episode 288

288: Why Solving People’s Problems Is Marketing Genius

What if your business could benefit from a fresh and deeper perspective?

Join Melissa today as she chats with Dr. Ginger Bratzel, a former dentist turned powerhouse marketer, about her inspiring journey from a professional career to thriving entrepreneurship. This lively duo dives into topics like resilience in business, owning your zone of genius, building solid SOPs, and a lot more!

Catch this episode for tips and inspiration to boost your entrepreneurial journey!

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • smart marketing
  • nitty gritty of entrepreneurship
  • outliers in business
  • resiliency
  • building SOPs
  • target audience
  • understanding the process
  • body business balance
  • sales objections
  • marketers
  • LinkedIn™


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Melissa Henault [:

Alright, guys. Another fun episode interviewing our elevate 360 mastermind members in my year long elite mastermind where we work with these women to take a 360 degree approach to business and life to grow and expand and create impact in this world through your business. Today, you're gonna be hearing from doctor Ginger Bratzel. And if you are a health care practitioner listening in with desire or are in the midst of launching your own business, you are going to want to listen in as you hear her journey of pivoting from being a practicing as a dentist and realizing that when she created our own marketing strategies, she was able to blow away her P and L with profitability to the point that her accountant was referring her to other dentists to improve the efficiency and productivity of their practices, which I'll let you listen in, turned into a huge pivot in her career and her life to being the marketing maven that she is today, teaching and serving other healthcare practitioners in lead generation for their businesses in new and innovative ways to create thriving practices. And not only is she doing this for dentists, but all health care practitioners out there today. Her systems, her SOPs, and her process have been proven time and time again with thousands of different practices to get the results they desire. So hope you guys enjoy this story.

Melissa Henault [:

Need some effective tactical advice that actually helps you get results and makes a real difference in your life and business? You've come to the right place. If you're finding yourself here today, it means you're getting ready to gain serious traction in your business, rapidly multiply your income and impact, and you're ready to make it happen while living all out. Guys, I'm Melissa Hennel, your trustworthy corporate dropout turned 6 figure business burnout turned happy and healthy CEO of a multimillion dollar online business. And you're listening to the Burnout to All Out podcast. On this show, we're serving up innovative growth strategies, simple implementation methods to put them into practice, and action stimulating inspiration tailored specifically for the modern entrepreneur. Let's dive in.

Melissa Henault [:

Awesome. You guys, we've got Ginger Bredzl here today, one of our Elevate 360 mastermind members. So excited for our burnout to all out listeners to hear your journey, Ginger, today and how you've really been able to become that director of results. So welcome to the podcast episode.

Melissa Henault [:

Oh, thanks for being having me. I love being with the people. I love everything about this program.

Ginger Bratzel [:

So I am so excited. I really want people to hear about your journey and your story. So what I love is we have some parallel lives here. I mean, you you were a dentist in practice. I know I had a doctorate in pharmacy, so we come from these clinical places. And now we're in this digital space. Right. And so I think that you have a really interesting perspective.

Melissa Henault [:

I'm really excited to bring to our listeners today because I know I still have a lot of health care practitioners that listen to the podcast, and I want them to hear your story and how you've been able to pivot. So let's go back to the days of when you still had your hands on people's mouths, seeing patients daily.

Melissa Henault [:


Unknown [:

And there was a moment at some point that clicked. Maybe it was gradual, but when and how did the shift begin to happen for you to move out of seeing patients in the practice to being a strategic partner in delivering results for other practitioners? How did how did you get into that space?

Melissa Henault [:

By accident. He goes out of necessity, you know, running a practice and trying to do all that stuff. And when you're the CEO, you're the provider of yours, the sick, everything shuts down

Unknown [:

and you're like, how do I

Melissa Henault [:

do more? And I can't, and your body can only go so far. So it was a struggle, struggle, struggle, and it just drove me nuts. And I thought you probably had this experience too. To be successful, you had to have a doctor in front of your name. That's what my family taught me. And, you know, I throw that out the door now because there's so many successful people that you made it on their own, but that's the only way you could do it. So that's what I was struggling with in my experience, and I said I've got to change this. And so I was looking at being a better dentist, and I had more equipment and more overhead and and more initials after mine.

Unknown [:

So when you say better dentist, like, being more efficient seeing more patients, well, I'm just better than more degrees. I needed more certifications.

Melissa Henault [:

I needed more all that, and, you know, patients didn't give a rat's ass of the feet. It didn't make a girl to practice, and I said I've got to think about this differently. So stop. I took the dentist hat off and said, but how would I do this differently? And I look at other businesses, and I'm like, people don't know what I can do for them. And so that's when I fell into marketing out of necessity for myself. I start I start dabbling with that and where I had struggled for years and my overhead was going up and all I do is amassing debt that turned around like that. I mean, it was like a light switch and I'm like, wow, this is rocket science, and I was so happy to be in that position that I created that for myself. I still didn't see the big impact until I got a call off my account one day, and he said I need to talk to Ginger.

Melissa Henault [:

He told my office manager, which he never interrupted me at work, so I thought I'd done something really bad. I'm like, oh my gosh. I missed a tax return, so this is wrong. And so I went back. I'm like, what did I do wrong? And I picked up the phone, said, Ginger, I'm in your QuickBooks, and there's a problem. There is too much money in the accounts, and I've gone back several months, and it's not like a typo that someone put an extra 0 one day. It's it's consistent, so I need you to pull out every day and we're gonna have to go through day by day by day and figure out what's going on, and I'm like I laugh I'm just saying to skip. I said no no skip, we're just doing things differently.

Melissa Henault [:

He said explain this to me, what do you mean? And I said I'm running the business differently. And I told him how I was building a marketing business, how I was giving patients what they wanted, how I talked to them differently, everything like that, and he got quiet again, so I thought I was in trouble. The authority figure, and I'm like, and he's like, is this something specific for your practice only? And I'm like, no. Is this something that only you can do? And I'm like, no. He said, could you teach this to others? And I said, yeah. He said, good. Because I have 3 dentists that I have to make a phone call right after that their numbers are way down. I'm gonna give them your phone number.

Melissa Henault [:

Please coach them through and get them out of this. And he found my first three clients and it's like the systems of frameworks translated across the board.

Unknown [:

Wow. Okay. This is beautiful. So you this is like the nitty gritty of entrepreneurship. Right? Like, there was no path. No. You created the path. Like, you created the yellow brick road.

Unknown [:

There were no yellow bricks. Right? Right. And what I love about this is that you solve the you solve a problem, you solve it. Now what I'm curious as we start to navigate this journey for you is you began to create a more profitable practice, but you also launched another business teaching other. So what did that look like before you transitioned completely out where you were still seeing patients, but you would launch this other business and you're kind of straddling both at the same time? Like, what did that look like?

Melissa Henault [:

Well, that was exciting because it was a new direction of Let

Unknown [:

me ask you.

Melissa Henault [:

And it gave me energy. My kids, well, they had one child at that time, and so I I was young. I had all this energy. I had a very supportive spouse, and so, you know, everyone says, oh, you're a doctor. You only work 4 days a week and must be nice. Well, you know, I see start seeing patients. I walked in the turn the door, the lock on the key at 7:30, and then I walked out of 5. I was getting up at 5 and doing my marketing stuff for other people before I went there.

Melissa Henault [:

At lunchtime, I'd be there. At in the evenings, I would do that. And then on Thursday night, you know, I closed my doors. I was jumping out a plane going somewhere until Sunday coming back and doing that and it was just so much fun because I was seeing the growth in them. I've seen people who really deserved what they needed and given that to them and so it was so exciting. I came energized back to my practice on Monday,

Unknown [:

and that was a fun fun journey for a long time. Well, I love what you said here. We were just talking about this with a fellow podcast interview, and that is that when you're in full alignment with what you're doing and you see the through line to the implement, you have an unlimited amount of energy Right. To fuel you. Right? When you're fully aligned and just on all cylinders and delivering what the universe has called in for you to do, it is effortless. Right?

Melissa Henault [:

I call it being in the vortex. I sit in Buffalo, and I'm vocal, so I could say, when you're in a tornado, those things are massive. There's the force of nature, and that's what I felt like was in the middle of all that. And I could just control and go all over, and it just gave me so much energy.

Unknown [:

That's phenomenal. Okay. So then the next step, which I think is profound because I know I actually remember the day I don't know if you've done this, but, I'm actually have not renewed my pharmacy

Melissa Henault [:

last year. I have it. Okay. I did for a long time.

Unknown [:

I did too. My mind just in case

Melissa Henault [:

mind bomb. She's like, my gosh, you spent so much time and energy. I hate for to go and I missed one of the deadlines and I said, what would happen? Right. What would happen? And then I'm like, I don't even know that when the date I didn't renew, but it I'm like, I don't care.

Unknown [:

Okay. I remember, and this is why I was wondering for you. It was the year my business did a 1,000,000 revenue, and I'll never forget it was towards the end of the year, and my CEs were due for pharmacy. But I also had all the accounting and tax work.

Melissa Henault [:

I had all this other stuff

Unknown [:

I needed to do for my business that was actually creating an income. I had this moment where I was like, I only have so much time. Time is money, and I need to make a decision. Do I really wanna spend countless hours doing these CEs for a land b? Right. Or do I wanna burn that ship?

Melissa Henault [:

That's exactly it.

Unknown [:

Double down and fully commit on this. And that was the year that I let it go. When I was leaving practice and

Melissa Henault [:

I was doing marketing, I put this line, I said, when I sell my practice, I'll do this and it never got there. And so I just have to say June 26th, I know the date, June 26, 2011. I will not practice another day. And I told myself that and when I put that in there, everything fell in place.

Unknown [:

Yes, you made a deadline. Yes.

Melissa Henault [:

And so I was chasing that win, you know, I'll be happy win. I will do this win. No, I did that and I said come held high water. And I mean, not only did I stop practicing, I moved state so I would have to license in another state. I sold my practice. I sold my equipment. I sold my in my patient base. All of that.

Melissa Henault [:

I had nothing. So it was like, you are fully committed to what you're going forward, and I had no problem with that.

Unknown [:

Wow. Yes. That is such a pivotal moment. We have those moments in life where you look back and, you know, it was such a life changing moment. What did that mean for your family? Like, what did how how was this ripple effect to the way you ran the household and and the time that you had with your your family?

Melissa Henault [:

I'd have a phenomenal spouse. I mean, if I told him I wanna jump off a bridge, he was like, where do you want me to drive you to? I mean, while he was here today, he's like, go get what you need out of this. He just supports me in so many ways. And my kids, I wanted them to know what a mom that works looks like. I love my mother. She she was a teacher. She was at home for a long time, but I wanted them to know that they could do whatever they wanted. And I never thought of myself as girl or a woman.

Melissa Henault [:

I just wanted as a person, I wanted them to to understand that, so I thought that was very important. The big thing for me was my extended family, like, my father just passed away a few years before, and he was my biggest advocate. And, like, I don't know what he would say about this. And so when I was telling my mom, she was the last person who told that I was leaving practice because I just couldn't deal with it. I was ready for that drop. And she said, you know what? There's never been a time in your life you have not landed on her feet, so go get them. And I was like, oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.

Melissa Henault [:

Thank you, mama.

Unknown [:

It's incredible. That's incredible. Love this. You've been on this entrepreneurial journey for quite some time.

Melissa Henault [:

Oh, I'm an old schooler in this group.

Unknown [:

Yeah. So and I love this because there are so many highs and lows to entrepreneurship. There's peaks and valleys. And, you know, I'm a firm believer that we're we're mostly climbing. We're we're sliding, and occasionally on a peak. I feel like a zigzag all the time. And so and at every level, it's a vantage point that's growing us and sculpting us for the next level of who we're becoming. When you look back on your entrepreneurial journey, are there any major lesson that really evolved you that you can share with our listeners today? Just maybe some something difficult that you had to work through that ultimately ended up working for you or something just major that you've learned that you're you would tell your previous self who was just getting started.

Melissa Henault [:

Well, fear is a big thing in that cutting the cord and and and that, you know, guaranteed success, which is no such thing. And so, you know, my first story that I already told about that that was really hard to pull that cord, and I mean, I don't know if I would have taken the jump if I didn't have that account and saying I need you to do that. I wasn't thinking that big, and sometimes you need those people in there, and I tell my clients this wipes the ladder. You don't dentists are the worst. They have to know everything. I said there's no way you can know everything. Yeah. I'm just gonna get you the next step because you're gonna have a whole different perspective.

Melissa Henault [:

So just trust me on this, and once we get there, we'll talk about the next one. You will have a better understanding, but they're like, no, explain everything to me. Now, you'll never get there, and so part of it is surrender, and I've learned that like there is going to be frustration. There is going to be these walls you hit, but it's a process, and you cannot dictate steps. You can only predict the outcome, and that's what your goal to shoot, and so for me, it's just surrendering to it, and when I surrender, I get back in that flow. I'm that tornado, and I'm like, oh, I would have never thought about it. Like, this whole year in 360, I had that question someone asked me, how was your experience? How's your business evolved? I said, I'm totally different, and I could not have told you that a year ago because I have to go through that process, and everyone can go to Costa Rica and solve their problems in a conference for a week, but you have to be in this for a year. You have to go through life.

Melissa Henault [:

You have to be the nitty gritty, the personal professional to get where you need to go.

Unknown [:

So true, and it's like when you're in the midst of it, sometimes it's hard to see what evolution is actually happening till you come out on the other side. I really love what you just said a minute ago about the accountant, though, who actually identified the opportunity for you. Mhmm. Isn't that wild, like, the trajectory that completely changed your life? Right. Came from an accountant who noticed your numbers and was like, you are an outlier, and you should go tell other people about this.

Melissa Henault [:

Right. And you have to listen to those because I could have poo pooed him down and said, oh, you're just you're so kind. Well, you're like, no. You planted that seed he had to put in there because I was explaining I was just copying another business that I saw. It was an oil business. And he said I could have put 10,000 dentists in that oil change place, and they would not have saw what you saw to make that change. And I was like, Yeah.

Unknown [:

It's wild. How at practices to date do you

Melissa Henault [:

think that you have impact? Easily, 1,000. Because it's a ripple effect, and and give them some of them a little nuggets and some you dig deep. They're private clients for a long time. But, I mean, I've been doing this so long, and and people see those stories. They get that inspiration, even if it's like, hey, I can do this too. I know the impact. Yeah.

Unknown [:

And I guess this will kind of dovetail into today in kind of marketing strategies and and growth. What's working well today? What's trending well when it comes to marketing strategies for identifying and and lead generation for clients on social media or just marketing

Melissa Henault [:

in general for? Well, I think dentists rely on insurance and I keep saying dentists, but I work with all health care profession, and I really like the ones that are not tied to insurance because they have to think differently, so they're like I'm a cash based business, I can't rely on insurance to cover my butt, And you're like, if I have insurance, they're gonna come in. So I I see that trend in those people more. If we've got to think like other businesses, you know, they do social media, but it's a post. It's National Toothbrush Day. Who cares? Right. They wanna know about you as a person. They're choosing you as an individual. That know, like, and trust factor that they all know about, they'll mention, but they won't get it.

Melissa Henault [:

So you mind shy. And Vimeo is so phenomenal in expressing it because you get your your cadence, your tell, your views, they get to connect with you so much and I don't think people do enough video. You teach us video all the time, but they're like, that's work, but we videotape our whole lives anyway, so why not share that

Unknown [:

with everybody? Yeah. It's so good. I know you've talked before about, like, not so much the self promotion

Melissa Henault [:

Oh my gosh.

Unknown [:

Of of the products and services, but one you can connect.

Melissa Henault [:

Well, you have to talk about the client's needs. So it's not that they want veneers or they want Invisalign. They want to smile with confidence. I wanna be able to eat. I wanna go to my daughter's wedding, and my ex husband's there with his new younger wife, and I wanna smile like to the happiest bitch on earth. That's what they really but they don't you can't say that. You're like, you know, they're not looking for your credentials. They're not looking for your American Dental Association.

Melissa Henault [:

That's so true. She's like, I wanna crush it at the Right? And they're afraid to say it. And then even when we talk about, like, Invisalign, which is everyone knows what Invisalign is, but, you know, when I talk to about a family with 12 year old for the Invisalign, you know, they're they have certain things, but if I have a 45 year old woman who's put her family first and now it's her turn or she had braces and now her teeth are crooked again. You know, she's got different motivating factors. So it's got to know your audience and what really resonates with them, but it's it's confidence, the convenience. I don't know if we have the time to do this. Is it gonna hurt? Those are the things under willing for everybody we we need to bring out.

Unknown [:

Yeah. Totally. I know convenience is a big thing for me. Oh, yeah. I'm fascinated with these dentist offices that are actually open on weekends. I'm like, that's fascinating, and it's an interesting business model for those of us who Have a different life.

Melissa Henault [:

Yeah. Yeah. Like to do things. Well, and then they'd like, well, I can't work 7 days

Unknown [:

a week. Well, don't open up during

Melissa Henault [:

the week, or you bring in an associate that does those hours. There's ways to get around evenings and afternoons, early mornings, there's different things. You don't have to do it all yourself. Yeah. So create those options. You know, we're looking at 2 at the next dentist. We're not comparing ourselves. I'm looking at Amazon's gonna say it's it's gonna be 3 days to get here.

Melissa Henault [:

Oh, my gosh. I can't wait 3 days. I need the one day. Right. Fast food. We're looking at different things of priorities in our lives. Yeah.

Unknown [:

So true. So true. Well, let's let's talk about the client patient journey and how to set up for conversion. Can you talk a little bit about that? Well, you

Melissa Henault [:

know, I find the number one thing that people come to me, and I I say dentist, but I mean in all health care professionals, like, nobody can afford it or they say no and they need this. And so as we call the objections. That's the law. Well, that objection did they always want me what do I say that end to get them over there? And it's like a date. You asked her to marry you, and she said no. It's not that moment. Everything that led up to them. It's from that social media post where they got to see you for the first time and really fall in love with you or or give you a chance.

Melissa Henault [:

It's the way the phone was answered. There's how they was greeted, how long they waited in the room, all of those little things. I call them triggers along the points, and they're little minor things. You don't think much about them, but if you get too many no triggers Mhmm. You get to the end, they won't do it. I think one of the biggest things I'm gonna give your audience a little clue here, is I call a patient liaison. So when you're discussing treatment, the doctors say you understand the patient's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, and then they go up to the front desk and they're like, no, there's a disconnect, and so I call it the doorway effect. Once they walk out that room, their brain, so like a computer with a 1,000 tabs, they shut them all down Yep.

Melissa Henault [:

And they can't remember any of that. So the this liaison that I talk about with my clients is in the room with them, and when they walk out, that person's their anchor, their magnet. When they go to the the next part, they're gonna stay with them, and they'll remember what they're supposed to have done. And so, we find that increases conversion. So, that's all about making it easier for the patient to say yes.

Unknown [:

I love that. I love that idea. It's interesting. My I'm a bone to pick with my own pediatrician dentist. And one of the things from a patient liaison perspective, and maybe I had some tats closed, and I didn't hear it. My first two kids never had any cavities ever.

Melissa Henault [:

It's always the last one. And so what was it?

Unknown [:

3rd, I'm like, am I just failing and becoming a lazy parent? Is this how the cavities came? Because I'm not hovering over him and making sure he brushes his teeth like the first two because I'm just an exhausted parent with a third child. Or is it, like, you know, truly something different within dental? Dental wise, I don't know. Maybe it's a granola bar, so he likes for breakfast every day. But beyond that, he had to have a procedure with a cavity. And it was never relayed to me that he was gonna be put under nitrous or that he needed to not eat that morning. Oh. And you know my life as a busy entrepreneur running multiple Well, you have to be mapped out. Totally mapped out.

Unknown [:

Right? Got his appointment, barely could fit it in my schedule. We get there. They already have the nitrous on him, and

Melissa Henault [:

they're like, he didn't have anything

Unknown [:

for breakfast this morning, did he? And I was like, yes. And they were like, oh, wait. Turn the nitrous off. I'm like, why? And they're like, he can't have that before. And I'm like, no one told me this. There was no papers in the hallway. There was no phone call.

Melissa Henault [:

No SOP. No. Right?

Unknown [:

And I was livid because as a really busy, high performing human, that was time in my calendar now wasted. And the trauma to him? Yes. Oh, well, he well, he didn't really care much. He wasn't traumatized, but he was excited to come back for a second time and get a little gift bag. But it was having to come back and reschedule. Right. Right? And so I hear what you're saying about that customer journey because the last thing I'll say in this to our listeners who are in the health care space,

Melissa Henault [:

I had all 3 kids booked at 4:30.

Unknown [:

I got a phone call at 4:15 from the dentist office saying I was late. And if I wasn't there in the next 10 minutes, they're gonna have to I was gonna reschedule. Uh-huh. And I got there, and I opened up my email confirmation and showed them that they were wrong. Mhmm. And that I was actually early, and that this was multiple occasions of them having poor SPs.

Melissa Henault [:

And you don't give me their name because they need some help.

Unknown [:

They they're a local dental practice with children. I can't remember the name, but I'll tell you after that. I was I was feeling on the way. I was fuming, and I and I said, I'm just giving you feedback because this is really, really poor patient and parent, just the communication. Communication. I was like, you didn't even the patient. Didn't see like, there was no, like, even, like, understanding why we're late because we we weren't even late or early, but you just jumped in and are threatening me as a patient. I'm gonna lose my appointment when I was actually early, and it's your schedule issue.

Unknown [:

And the only reason we're still there is because they're so conveniently close. Right? That one factor, that's all for you, but that but that one trigger is gonna Right.

Melissa Henault [:

That's gonna go away for you.

Unknown [:

They're that they're losing me. Right? But the pain of having to do all the paperwork, go to another practice is only reason I haven't done it yet. But it's like, it's gonna be the straw that brings it right back. Right. So you help practices.

Melissa Henault [:

Well, and they're so busy in it. They can't see it. They need downside eyes a lot of time. And then staff is turnover. Oh my gosh.

Unknown [:

To turn New faces every time.

Melissa Henault [:

Right. And you have to you know, that training and stuff. It's like we've done this training, but Susie wasn't there for that. She doesn't know that. And there's no SOPs. You know, people are making it up. Dennis, God bless them, I love them. They like to do what they do, but they're not leaders a lot of times and they're not entrepreneur as far as, you know, I want a set up system to do this.

Unknown [:


Melissa Henault [:

And so I want to give them that. I was like, you go do your thing and I will take care of the rest and stuff and that's that's where I feel. Yes.

Unknown [:

Well, and it's just I I love this, just to kinda underscore this, what you just what you just stated is that a lot of time practitioners are really good at their crepes, but they have no natural or trained skill set. Where do you learn that? Right. Which would they say? Which means so many practices are probably running wildly inefficient. Right. Loudly less impactful than I could be, less profitable. And the stressed. Yeah.

Melissa Henault [:

The stress. And that's and that's what, you know, I want people to be able to do it as long as I want to. I don't want them worrying about finding the right people. There is subjective things for all of this. They're going in to hire people just off of their gut. I feel okay about it or I need a fresh body, You know, we need to be slower to hire and faster to fire. Faster to fire. Yeah.

Melissa Henault [:

And but there's ways to quantitate that. And when you have a good team, they wanna stay around with you. And so and it makes your life so much better and you have more vacations and you're happier at home.

Unknown [:

Yes. Yes. Oh my gosh. And when turnover is less, it's less disruptive to the practice. It's just the the patients. Yes. Yeah. I know when I come in to my practice and there's a new hygienist every time.

Unknown [:

It's like, oh, gosh. Is this one something were really rough with your guys and some are but it's like am I gonna get am I gonna get Sally with the rough hands or

Melissa Henault [:

you know you'd nobody wants that turnover right it was you want to be taken care of by somebody you know like and trust you

Unknown [:

check-in with every year and and or every 6 months.

Melissa Henault [:

Right. Have that

Unknown [:

established rapport. Let's circle back to the mountain peaks and the climbs and the slides because I know one of the things you wanted to talk about is pulling up your big girl panties when shit gets rough. Oh my god. Right? So can we talk about that?

Melissa Henault [:

It's hard. It's hard. It really is. I mean, it's always great at the beginning because you're on this journey and you're climbing and climbing, but you you're gonna hit your walls and you fall down. And you call it the crying, sobbing in the bathroom. The bathroom floor. We're all crying all the ugly girl crime. And I'm like, I'm leading these people, and I don't know how to lead them.

Melissa Henault [:

You know? And life gets in the way, things like that. And so those moments, those are tough. And I think that has more to do with your success than knowing the other stuff. It's be being able to be resilient, to know that you're gonna get through it and goes back to that conversation, my mom, you've always lighted on your feet and you have to believe in yourself for doing that. But but sometimes you have to have outsiders tell you stop this. I have a 24 hour rule I give my clients. I said I will cry with you and grovel and we'll do everything, but tomorrow at this time, we are moving on, and we're not talking about this again. Okay? So being able to do that is really critical.

Unknown [:

Yeah. That's a, you know, that's a buzzword I love speaking to. It's resiliency. Right? I think that the common thread to successful business owners is their ability to be resilient because, like you said, shit is going to hit the fan.

Melissa Henault [:

It's not if it Yeah. And sometimes you get

Unknown [:

in a big cycle of shit, and sometimes you're in a little cycle of shit. And it's really up to you how long you stay in that cycle of shit as to how you approach it and how you have the right tools in your tool belt to move through it Uh-huh. And keep going.

Melissa Henault [:

Well, I have a general rule. This is what I tell them. They're crying about something, have it. I said, if you could write a check and the problem goes away, you don't have a problem. Okay? If your kid's sick with cancer, that that's a real problem. But if you need to hire somebody else, a piece of equipment broke or, you know, you have to get someone a refund, you wrote a check and that problem would away. Move fast, write the check and go.

Unknown [:

Yeah. Such a such a good point. My motto with my team when they freak out because something broke or something went wrong or whatever is, did anybody die? Because back where I came from in pharmacy, we made a mistake, someone died. Right? So if no one died, we're all right. You're okay. We're okay. It's a success. Yeah.

Unknown [:

Especially in this digital world. Like, I know we've had scenarios where an email blast goes to the entire list, and it was always supposed to go to this, you know, and it's like, did anybody die?

Melissa Henault [:

No. No. Let's move on.

Unknown [:

Maybe we'll look at our SOPs to figure out where the breakdown was, but nobody did. So then what's I mean, this is a great kind of dovetail into one of my second final question, and that is being in the elevate 360 mastermind. It's all about a 360 degree approach to you because bodies build businesses.

Melissa Henault [:

I love that quote. I leaned into that so much this year.

Unknown [:

So where have you transformed the most this year in business or life taking this 360 degree approach?

Melissa Henault [:

I think my goggles are not so you know, I know niches are enriches, but I I'm sitting there, and I was looking there, and you guys would tell me, you said, Ginger, you could do so much more with some more different people. And so opening that up, the opportunity, having a bigger target audience has been really great. But, you know, being able to handle what comes down this pike, and like you said, I've been around enough. I know these changes are coming, but they still a little bit of shocking, you have to sit there and I I called it to be at a retreat marinating.

Unknown [:


Melissa Henault [:

So when something comes in, I don't necessarily react on it. I have to sit and let it brew in me a little bit and decide what it's gonna do and process it. And so that marination time is really important. So it's a new idea or a new philosophy or things like that. There's no way I could have mapped this year, and I wouldn't have tried to anyway, but you have to trust the process. I think I'm being geographic and just go for it, warm people, but I told you the very first time, I said, if you tell me eat a cat turd, I will eat a cat turd. That that's our argument. I just will write you what because you don't always understand the process.

Melissa Henault [:

So if believing in that and going forward, my body is one of the areas I think I'm gonna do the most and continue to work the most on because I've relied on my head for so long. And so there's been a disconnect. And so as my body comes in, I feel that balance coming back. Yeah.

Unknown [:

I love that. I think many of us high performers come from a place of living in our heads, and our bodies suffer tremendously. Right. Because we're ignoring the the telltale signs of the stress, the trauma, all the things, they just get bottled up, and we're not moving through them. And we don't realize that they're the cog Yeah. In our expansion, you know, until we can get to the root of it. So I love that so so much for you.

Melissa Henault [:

Well, on our hands, sits on our bodies.

Unknown [:

Right. So why can't we ignore it? Right. That's such a true point. Right? So good. Well, Jane Shaw, what do you have going on right now? Tools and resources. I know you are just a marketing wiz and queen when it comes to, you know, attraction of clients and patients in the online world. Right. What do you have out there that you can share with our audience?

Melissa Henault [:

Well, let's go back to the objections. I think for this health care professionals getting to that last thing, why are people saying no? It's a whole process and and they make me they don't understand that process, and so it's something I teach my clients very early on so for your listeners I will do something special I have a training that I do for my people as onboarding to getting over these objections you know time money paying all those things any health care professional And so if they reach out to me on LinkedIn or they link it out to me on Instagram at doctor Ginger Bratzel either way and just DM me and say burnout. I know it's yours. It's it's super secret, guys. It's not a website. I'm not gonna ask for your email. I'm not gonna ask for your firstborn. I will just send it over to them and they can have it.

Unknown [:

Amazing. Okay. Tell them what your handles are one more time. It's doctor Ginger Bratzle, b r a t, t as

Melissa Henault [:

in Tom, z e l. And that's where I'm at both places, Instagram and Winton. Amazing.

Unknown [:

Well, thank you so much for sharing it with our listeners, and thank you for sharing your journey. I think that your transition and your transformation have been so beautiful, and I know that you're still on your journey. I ain't done yet. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Well, thanks for coming in. Thanks for flying all the way into Charlotte to do this episode with us tonight.

Unknown [:

I appreciate being here.

Melissa Henault [:

Awesome. Thanks guys so much for listening in on today's podcast episode. And I can't wait for you to see my upcoming guest in the next episode. You are going to love this keynote speaker. Hey, here's the deal. If you like this, please subscribe and leave a review. And you want the latest online business growth strategies and exclusive LinkedIn pro tips sent straight to your phone? Text the word update to 704-318-2285. That is text the word update to 704-318-2285.

Melissa Henault [:

Can't wait to see you guys. Come find me over on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, wherever you like to hang. Cannot wait to hear how you are enjoying and applying what you're learning. You guys reach out to me over on social because I love hearing what's resonating with you. When you reach out to me and you send me those personal DMs, they really do impact the content I continue to bring forward to you. So again, come find me, melissa_henault over on Instagram. Melissahenault over on LinkedIn and Facebook. Can't wait to see you guys over there.