Episode 289

289: Make Your LinkedIn Featured Section Work for You

Are you using the LinkedIn Featured section to your advantage?


Melissa gives her spot-on advice about adding clear calls to action (CTAs) to your profile that tell visitors exactly what to do—whether it’s booking a call or grabbing a free resource. This short episode will teach you how to make it easy for your customers with clickable links that lead them straight to you.


Just a few actionable tweaks will help you keep things smooth, save time, and build real connections.  Tune in!


Topics discussed in this episode:

  • freebie
  • personal branding
  • driving traffic
  • call to action (CTA)
  • booking link
  • PDF resource
  • email strategy
  • landing page
  • LinkedIn™



▶ Save your spot for my FREE Lead Gen Masterclass: https://burnouttoallout.co/masterclass/ 

▶ FREE Daily Lead Gen Checklist: http://www.burnouttoallout.co/linkedin-checklist

▶ For more resources and information on Melissa’s current offerings: www.burnouttoallout.co


Connect with Melissa:

〉LinkedIn™: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-henault/

〉Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissa_henault/

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Melissa Henault:

Darvita asked a great question around, the featured section, in LinkedIn. She said, how do you put a CTA in the featured section to schedule an appointment with me and download a PDF document? So I'm gonna share with you because I think this is kind of 2 questions because downloading a PDF document is different than scheduling an appointment, which is different than a CTA. I think, Darvita, what you're speaking to is what we coach to inside the academy is especially in your summary section is creating a call to action. Meaning in the summary, let people know how they can connect with you. We don't wanna leave the summary like a limp noodle, like a limp handshake. You know what I'm saying? Like, at the end of your summary or in your profile, you wanna give people direct direction on exactly how to connect with you. If that is book a clarity call in my featured section, if it's download this freebie about x y z in my featured section, Bottom line is you should have a call to action and how people can connect with you in your about section. And this is for all of and because we wanna be driving traffic off of LinkedIn and into your inbox, like, into your calendar or onto your email list.

Melissa Henault:

Grab my free daily checklist, says scroll up to my featured section for open enrollment date. So, you see I'm telling them not only are these things here, but check my featured section to actually get the direct hyperlinks for these things. Now, so, what we're speaking to is right here. These are the hyperlinks. And right here is a freebie magnet, 30 minute profile makeover. There's the free LinkedIn lead gen checklist. These are hyperlinks to all kinds of fun things that I have going on right now. When I first really got running on LinkedIn, and I think that this is what Darvita is alluding to, how do you go into the featured section and drive traffic to book an appointment? So, when I was a solopreneur with no executive assistant, working full time, generating leads for my side business around my 9 to 5, leveraging LinkedIn, I had a hyperlink right here that was, let's book a call, because I didn't have an executive assistant or time to be going back and forth between me and the other person to find a time that works for both of us.

Melissa Henault:

Do you guys ever get lost in that DM game of, oh, does this time work? Does that time work? No. That time doesn't work, and then you're just, like, back and forth, back and forth. What you can do, Calendly is totally free. We have training on this, but I recommend using something like Calendly as a booking agent. All you have to do is click the plus button here and go to add a link. And right here, you can put a hyperlink for anything here. Right? So if you have a Calendly booking link, you add the booking link here. You drop it right here.

Melissa Henault:

Whatever link it is. The other question was, what if it's a PDF, like, downloadable resource? Same thing. If you create, let's say, like, the 100 social media post ideas, if you create a Canva PDF for this, then when people go to grab it, they're gonna click on add a link and put the PDF there. Now, if you're a little bit more advanced and you actually have a landing page for your freebies, if you're actually collecting emails, which ultimately you all should be doing, then it's gonna be an actual landing page. You're gonna put a link to an actual landing page. Okay? And so, then they're gonna click on the link for the landing page, which is just then gonna say in order to get your freebie, whatever it is, give me your email address and I'll email it to you. Now you're driving traffic off of the platform onto your email list. So this is just like 2 point o.

Melissa Henault:

The first version is to create something free that people can just grab. Your next step is gonna be to make it a hoop they have to jump through to give you their email address in order for them to get the thing. So that then you can actually have them on your email list, which is our holy grail. LinkedIn is why you guys are here to build your personal brand and build your business on LinkedIn, but ultimately, you wanna be driving that traffic onto an email list because you own the email list. You don't own LinkedIn.