Episode 287

287: The Surprising Thing About Personal Growth and Business Success

Nobody really wants to look under the hood.

In this podcast short, Melissa chats with her coaching client about how personal loss inspired them to break free from societal expectations and live life authentically. They discuss how embracing spiritual practices, building real connections, and releasing guilt changed their lives. The key takeaway is that surrounding yourself with supportive people fuels both personal and business growth.

Take a few minutes to tune in—you’ll be glad you did!

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • rule breaker
  • embracing the woo
  • meditation
  • breathwork
  • support network
  • energetics
  • protect your energy
  • modern entrepreneur
  • business growth
  • spirituality
  • LinkedIn™



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I am a proud AF rule breaker. I don't think I need to pick. Yeah. Because I think that you can start and end differently in a year. I might kick off the year at more of a base camp and end up going to Mount Everest or decide to be Mount Everest because, really, anybody climbing Mount Everest is starting and ending at base camp. So there's definitely that transformation. I think for me, this year has been a really tough year. I suffered a lot of loss, and there's been a lot of things that have gone on.


I think through it all, it's I'm a do whatever the f I wanna do. I'm done with doing what everybody else tells me to do. I'm done with doing what I'm supposed to be doing next. I'm done with doing what I should do. It really just took opening up this year to realize that I really have been breaking the rules for a really long time, but I felt like crap doing it. Now I'm like, heck yeah. I'm not doing anything anybody wants me to do. So I'm I'm thinking about about next year.


Do I wanna work harder? I don't know what Mount Everest really even is to me. You know what I mean? Yeah. Do would I like to make a little bit more money? Sure. But I also I totally fine with what I'm making and being able to live life so much fuller would be Mount Everest for me. Right? Was to be able to have what I have and grow that much more and make that many more memories. I know this year, just making connections. Right? And making friends and people that would wanna talk to me and not asking me for, will you do these things for me for work? Like, actually having connections with people. And I wanna embrace that.


So for me, Mount Everest is growing that community and growing those relationships and having that connection and knowing I'm having such a crappy day. I have people I can call now and go, oh my god, I'm having a crappy day. Like I love this for you. I think that's really good. Yeah. That feels good. So I don't so what next year is gonna look like? I don't know. I don't know what the next 3 months are gonna look like, to be honest with you.


But but I feel good. Like, I get up knowing, like, this is just comfort. I feel authentic. I feel true to me. And if I wanna take a 3 hour lunch with my kids, I'm gonna. And if I don't wanna eat lunch today, I'm not caught up. I just kind of going with it, and it feels really good to feel like I am a controlled fluid life, which just feels good to me. That's where I am.

Melissa Henault:

I love this, and I love this energy in you. So I'm curious. What do you think it was about this year that gave you the awareness or freedom to be okay with being a rule breaker or just not caring what other people think about you breaking the rules.


Obviously, in beginning of the year, I'll definitely say that a lot of the, acceptance of this woo garbage that you were doing was, like, actually genuine. And, alright, I get this whole thing. So meditation, and there's breath work and there's hypnobreath work and there's all the things. I'm like, people are just whacked, but it did actually Yeah. Like really helped. It was bizarre, but it was challenging. Right? And it was like, this is wonky. I don't understand this, but we'll try it again and see what it works.


And I think that I was making good progress with it. And then really being able to press up against some of the instruction I was even getting in the programs to do these things next. I'm like, no. I don't I don't wanna do those things and being okay with it. And then, really, there was a lot of loss. So from April until June, I lost my brother, both my parents, and my sister. So it was a lot. With all of that, I'm still here.


I'm who I am. And with all of the stuff that kinda came out the Q1, being able to release that and realize that I don't have to live up to certain expectations. I don't have to feel shame or guilt or all the things from all of that, and that that's just out of my life now. And I get a chance to look at this whole other half of my life with my family that I have and the friends that I am building relationships with and being okay with that. And people seem to be okay with me. I don't have a life of just judgment and criticism and failure and shame and stuff. So just being able to shift into a different network that seems to support me as a person has given me permission to not think I'm as bad a person as I thought I was. So so that's been

Melissa Henault:

That's huge. I'm I'm so sorry for all of your losses. I mean, it's just I can't imagine. I knew that you had lost your brother. I don't know that I realized you had lost that many people in your family at one time.



Melissa Henault:

So I'm so sorry. On the flip side, it's beautiful that you've been able to create a new network that you're realizing energetically and, like, vibrationally Mhmm. Makes a huge difference in how you show up.



Melissa Henault:




Melissa Henault:

And how you feel about yourself. Before I really got into the woo stuff, I, you know, I used to hear people say, like, you're you're the equivalent of the 6 people you spend the most time with, blah blah blah. I'm like, yeah. Whatever. Right? And then it was a picture of a rotten peach sitting in a fruit basket. Does anybody seen this? And then all the other peaches around it


Starts to

Melissa Henault:

start to rot.


Rot. Right. Yep.

Melissa Henault:

And all of a sudden, I was like, I realized, oh my god. Just because this is how I was raised or how I was taught to doesn't mean that this is who I am or who I'm becoming. It is effort to consciously find authentic relationships with people who appreciate you for who you are and operate vibrationally at the same level you do. It is work and it is gonna sound really selfish, but it's strategic in how you protect that energy too, even with family.


Right? Yeah. Well, and I think what was really the most eye opening was that when you because you don't know what you don't know. When you grow up and live in a certain type of energy, you don't know that there's a different type of energy you can even embrace. Right? It's like, why would I think it's not supposed to feel like this? And because that's so comfortable, you seek that uncomfortable feeling out because that's what you're used to. That's the comfortable. Right? So then all of a sudden not being in that uncomfortable and realizing that I could actually be oddly uncomfortable, but in a more comfortable place. Right. It's not like it gives you something else to kind of push for.


Right? It also took some real big moments in my life to say, okay. Enough is enough. Like, stop dipping your toe over here. You need to just own this and embrace that energy and really try to surround yourself with it. And I've always considered myself to be a positive person. Always glass of half empty, and it's always happy filled with rainbows and butterflies and all the things for everybody else. Not something that I could actually share with myself.

Melissa Henault:

I love this for you, and that's what modern entrepreneur is all about. People avoid this because they know it's work. People don't wanna have to look under the hood. People don't want to it is work. Many of us, it is a self coping. It's an addiction to actually just focus on work. Right? To not be available for anything else because I'm busy because I'm Survival. Work to do.


Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Surviving, not thriving.

Melissa Henault:

Yeah. Yeah. So good.