Episode 168

168: Why Your Audience Is Your Greatest Resource

Raise your hand if you’re an entrepreneur with a million ideas. Being innovative is great but how do you know what’s going to stick and what isn’t?

In today’s helpful hot seat episode, Melissa offers up some solid advice on the most effective way to create a sellable offer — ask your audience!

Never overlook your prime asset. Take a few minutes to listen in and you’ll find out why.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • beta programs
  • online coaching
  • pricing offers
  • group coaching
  • templates
  • beta test
  • online business
  • business coaching
  • audience awareness
  • webinars
  • market research
  • offer creation
  • LinkedIn marketing
  • LinkedIn

Submit your questions to team@burnouttoallout.co for an opportunity to get your hot seat with Melissa on the Burnout to All Out Podcast


▶ Free LinkedIn Productivity Checklist: http://www.burnouttoallout.co/linkedin-checklist

▶ For more resources and information on Melissa’s current offerings: www.burnouttoallout.co

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〉LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-henault/

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BOTAO Ep 168



Cause that would help me kind of guide you on like the duration of your kind of free work shopping. So I am doing, um, I'm offering three templates at 2 95 downloadable, and that comes with the 12 week coaching program that comes with every package. The second, um, tier is $3,000. Um, they pick the template, but we customize it to their brand.

emplate, it's like a website [:

for, okay, what was, and that:

Um, it's for free. The coaching is included for free. Oh, for all of them. Okay. So like the 3k one is like semi customizable then. Um, so if they pick the template that they like, but we customize everything. To their liking. Like we make the whole branding and marketing and everything is infused in there.

k. Okay. [:

Um, and then go from there versus. You know, you're not going to be able to have a little webinar and then pitch a three tiered offer with this particular offer and then offer the other stuff like, right. Like the, or is that part of what you're talking about with the mindset coaching? Where does that come in?

ecause a lot of, you know, a [:

Versus the perks and the benefits of you doing with them. Um, it's, it's a little interesting. Um, it, it just depends on the angle that you want to take. If you're trying to sell the three different tiers of the website divine design, or if you're trying to bring them in on core competencies around website, but then pitch them into something much, much bigger.

mplicated I've created this. [:

Right. And, um, Honestly, where can you bring the most value and create impact for these people? And that is where it all starts. Um, I hate to sound ruthless, but it's like, follow the money, follow what people are going to pay. It's not that we're doing it a hundred percent just out of making money. Um, we're here like where we can make an impact.

ething before the end of the [:

I think that one of the reasons you're telling yourself six months is because. Um, you're making it a little more complicated than I think you need to make it. Um, I would challenge you or encourage you to think about how can I do a free little workshop on, you know, some, you know, some value that my, these accountants would love to have around website design, um, because that's something hot that's selling right now.

Um, but in that, in that. Little webinar, how can I pitch this more full comprehensive program to them, um, from this free webinar? Right? How can I pitch them into this more comprehensive program? Um, that makes total sense to them. How do I go from teaching them this widget? To then casting to them, the bigger picture and the value of working with me for six months in that bigger picture.

e, I'm getting approached by [:

Offer that as a beta and then ask them to come to the coaching program as the, the long term maybe six to 12 months program, because that's where we can actually have a transformation happen for people. Absolutely. Does that does that do you think that'll work. I think that the best way to find out is to give it a whirl.

urvey your current audience, [:

This is what I did. Hey, if I ran a workshop on how to generate leads on LinkedIn, who would be interested? And you could do this with the community you're building on LinkedIn. And I had 12 girls say I would. And I'm like, sweet, I'm going to put together a workshop then. And they're like, well, how much is it?

And I'm like a hundred dollars, right? That's where it started. And they were the best students to give me the feedback. And I, my goal was to over serve over deliver and make sure those girls got the most amazing experience and results because those first 12 people were going to be my testimonials. And they were going to go tell 12 other people.

hopefully that will all come [:

Yes. I'm so glad to hear you say that. Um, it's all going to really, uh, will really help you with the offer creation and that program. Yeah. That was good. All right. I took a lot of your time. Thank you for doing that. Well, I saw a lot of heads nodding. I think it helped a lot of people. So yeah. That's good.