Episode 169

169: Knowing Your Audience is the Key to a Successful Launch

Marketing to the wrong audience is like selling winter coats in the Sahara. No one’s going to buy.

In today’s dynamic coaching sesh, Melissa gets real about how targeting the wrong people can lead to the death of your launch.

If you’ve been hearing nothing but crickets when promoting your offers to your online audience, this episode will give you the breakthrough you’ve been looking for. Tune in!

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • updating your customer avatar
  • building new audiences
  • launch strategy
  • sales strategy
  • marketing
  • buyer psychology
  • market research
  • marketing messaging
  • entrepreneurs
  • scale your business
  • lead generation
  • business marketing
  • online business
  • attraction marketing
  • rebranding
  • company evolution
  • LinkedIn


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▶ For more resources and information on Melissa’s current offerings: www.burnouttoallout.co

Connect with Melissa:

〉LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-henault/

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People are looking for the easy button and they're asking us what have we done differently, but the reality is we just fine tune every time. And, I will say where it was the hardest for us is when. We had outgrown the audience we were marketing to, which may be what's happening to, you know, well, so we had, I think about this now, I thought about this yesterday, Jackie, I had a launch 2 Octobers ago that I spent, 5, 000 on ads, 10, 000 on the team.

And we closed the cart and didn't have a single cell, like we didn't sell anyone. And we had like a thousand people register. and it was this like fairly the same content. Like we've fine tuned it significantly now, but we didn't sell anybody. And I was sitting here on Tuesday night. And just watching the sales come in, like 67 people purchased just on Tuesday night.


And what had happened is. We had outgrown who we were marketing to and the wrong people were on the screen and it didn't matter what I was telling them. It wasn't the right audience and they were never going to pay. They didn't have the money mindset. It wasn't the right investment for them. And it until I was willing to pivot.

o Jackie's point is like, is [:

And so know that in two years, we've gone, literally, is it two years, two years, two fucking years, we went from a launch that cost me money to nearly a million dollars in nine days. And it's the same content. We just had to shift the messaging and shift who we are marketing to. But what we teach on the back end is the same, Who were you marketing to before Melissa and then who did you change to? Okay. Network marketers. Network marketers. I was exclusively like, I felt like, and this is what Kayla had to coach me on. I felt like my only knowledge base on LinkedIn was how to recruit business builders on LinkedIn. And that was my message for the longest time.

was. I had scaled a business [:

But what I was telling myself was I only know how to teach network marketers this. And I was in Kelly Rocha's program and Kelly said, I want you to come speak at Game Changers, which is like streamed globally. Right. She's like, I want you to come teach LinkedIn to these guys. Remember, I told Jackie, I was like, this is fucking, I just can't, I just was thinking about that day.

Cause I remember how many people came up to you afterwards and they were like, can this work for me? Can this work for me? And we had to pivot real fast. We did like literally on the fly created LinkedIn. LinkedIn bootcamp. I don't even know what we called it. LinkedIn jumpstart. I was broke. I was in the red.

otleg it because I was like, [:

And I'm just trying to keep the business alive. I launched a six week program built it while it was the same fundamentals, but it was a different audience. And I had to take the word network marketing out. I had to focus on the attraction marketing and lead generation and not just be network marketers.

n Chris's mastermind and the [:

I said, we're going to market to small business owners and entrepreneurs. I'm going to invest 20, 000 in ads, which at the time. Remember I was broke and I invested 50, 000 in Chris Harder's mastermind, which I didn't have. And I said, we're going to do this. I'm all in. We're going to pivot because clearly the audience is telling me this demographic wants it.

So we went to market in January where I reframed how I was talking in the sense that I, my end product wasn't just for network marketers. It was attraction marketing for your products and service to generate leads for your business. I pivoted. And we went from being broken a launch in October to rebranding, changing my message marketing to a new audience in January and doing 300, 000 in sales.

en it was like, that was the [:

We still have a ton of network marketers that come in. They're typically top network marketers that are looking to grow their business through lead generation for leaders, but we've expanded our market and we've expanded our audience and totally up leveled our delivery and raised our prices. And I think we're at like a 40 percent pay in full ratio, which is insane.

nching doesn't work. This is [:

And I've just got to do something else, but look where we are now. It's the, if the people who purchased two years ago on the back end, get the same core curriculum they do today. Obviously we updated some. It, it wasn't our product. It was our audience. And our messaging that was fucking us up, right? Can I just say one thing, Melissa?

I was in a cohort in January. Ah, yes. That was me. So you witnessed the evolution of the company, right? I, I was, I got the ad. I got the ad and showed up. Yeah, yeah. It worked. Yeah. So just know that sometimes you're, you're going to outgrow your audience. You're going to, and I guess I'll go back to what Kayla told me when I was terrified to pivot.

at it works there. You don't [:

And then all of a sudden we had new testimonials from all different types of business coming in and it expanded. Our evidence and our audience and our messaging, right?