Episode 178

178: How To Get Your Marketing Game Back On Track

So, you’ve taken a little tumble from the social media wagon.  I get it.  Life happens.  Now, how do you bounce back and get people to sit up and notice?

Melissa’s coming in hot with incredible tips on how to refocus on your marketing.  She's diving into the nitty-gritty of engaging content, perfect post timing, leveraging AI, and the magic of newsletters.

Imperfect action always wins the day.  So listen in and find fresh motivation.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • business coaching
  • gold nuggets
  • business questions
  • podcast shorts
  • social media posts
  • social media presence
  • engagement
  • consistency wins
  • momentum
  • contributing in the comments
  • engaging activities
  • when to post
  • work platform
  • thought leader
  • newsletters
  • recommit to marketing
  • LinkedIn


Submit your questions to team@burnouttoallout.co for an opportunity to get your hot seat with Melissa on the Burnout to All Out Podcast

Connect with Melissa:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-henault/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissa_henault/

For free resources and information on Melissa’s current offerings: www.burnouttoallout.co

Free LinkedIn Productivity Checklist: https://burnouttoallout.co/checklist/

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“Her energy is always refreshing. I love being able to apply her strategies to whatever my project is at the moment.”


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Hey, so, um, I know that this is really kind of basic, but there's nothing basic. All questions are good questions. All right. So, you know, I kind of fell off the wagon there. I had some stuff going on. And now I'm trying to get back on, um, on the LinkedIn and I, Um, my guess is that I'm posting not at a good time because it's like at the end of the day, I'm like, Oh shit, I need to like do this.

And so the few posts that I have done have just like fallen flat. And I am thinking, I don't necessarily know that it's what I'm putting out there, versus maybe the time of day. that I'm putting it out there. So I guess I just need some quick coaching about like how to get back, how to get back on the wagon and start getting back success.

nd, you know, and, and then, [:

Um, did you get the breath work session? I did. Okay. Um, so yes, Robyn's like raising her hand. Do you, is there something you want to say? Are you just like, no, I just wanted to get my zoom to pick up that. I have my hand raised. Sorry. Oh, okay. I'm like, wait, is she trying to, okay. Um, so, um, posting engagement.

e have to warm them back up. [:

Probably not, to be honest. It's so, you know, one of those rush kinds of things. And I did, I tried a couple at some of the, um, you know, the hashtags or the groups that I'm following, but they, it felt flat. Yeah. And so again, so that kind of brings me to, well, maybe it's the timing. So, first and foremost, for all of you, LinkedIn rewards people who give and giving is not posting your own content.

ut. Right. Um, and so if you [:

And so all of you, part of your homework assignment is if you're not doing it already is to come up with a couple of groups and people that you're going to commit to engaging with before you post this actually also conditions and trains LinkedIn on your ideal client, your ideal avatar, the influencers.

Um, when it sees how you behave, it's going to then try to feed those types of themes and people into your feed. But if you're not engaging on a platform, it doesn't know what to feed you. And it doesn't know what to get in front of other people that are of like behavior because you're not behaving at all, except for posting your own content.

he hot lead than to actually [:

Clients go engage with their content on a daily basis. Um, if anything, the algorithms are going to pick up that you really. Prefer this demographic, right? Um, and then the other thing you can do is what are some groups, some influencers in your space, um, go engage and comment on their post, right? So all of you should commit to 5 engaging activities.

And this should take you less than five minutes. If you've gotten organized with who you want to engage with, it's you, the first day it may take you a couple minutes because you need to get clear on who you want to engage with. But then moving forward, you should be able to just go in there, find them, engage, and then pop out.

e post the content. Okay, so [:

As far as, you know, so activity on LinkedIn, the best way, because it's such a moving target, like I could give you data on it and it changes every like three to six months, you may just want to go to good old Google and just ask like, like, what are the. Top current trending times to post on LinkedIn.

Historically, it's been earlier in the week and earlier in the day, people tend to come in on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, kind of fresh, especially Mondays and Tuesdays from the weekend. This is a work kind of platform. People come in from, you know, fresh on Mondays and Tuesdays and they're, they're networking on the platform.

They kind of teeter off towards the end of the week, you know, Thursdays, Fridays, weekends are the least popular. Hang on one second. I've got noise in my kitchen.

in the kitchen, my husband's [:

Number one device desktop, people aren't typically on their desktops on Saturdays and Sundays. Um, so you may want to play with, and that's also playing with not playing with, I will say becoming recommitted to your marketing campaign. And instead of it being an afterthought at the end of the day, like Deirdre always says, 1 of our coaches, she has a date with LinkedIn for 30 minutes of her coffee every morning before she goes to work.

maybe instead of it being an [:

Um, I know for me personally, even on the other platforms, if you get too late in the day, especially if you're east coast, um, you know, you don't get as much engagement. On on the content, it doesn't have as much time to kind of live in the feed and be engaged with. Okay. All right. And then I have one more, um, mindset kind of question, and that is so my book is done and yay.

And, you know, Jake has the whole thing about, um, 100 posts from your book. And so again, I'm like, you know, doing like the imposter syndrome a bit. in that how many people out there are really wanting to move their company? And you know, and yes, right. You're a husband, which I'm happy to have any kind of conversation with him about this.

It's [:

ked for the rest of the year.[:

Um, that is awesome. Um, and so, you know, you could. There's a couple of different directions. You could go with this. Okay. Um, first of all, you could unpack it in newsletter form because then you have less limitations on characters. Right? Um, so if you really wanted to be seen as a thought leader, and you wanted some space to get, um, more, um, meat in your content.

What if you committed to a newsletter each week, which was kind of a recap of how many chapters are there? Uh, there are 12 chapters. Each chapter is about 2, 000. Yep. So you could do, you could do a newsletter each month and the newsletter could be a highlight from each chapter. Um, so you could go that route.

but, um, for me, where I've [:

Really impactful. I highlight the powerful statements, you know, the powerful paragraph. That's really a take home message. Um, maybe approach your book with a fresh lens, um, as a business owner who didn't write the book and highlight, you know, what really, um, resonates and what I do when I'm at a loss for content, guess what I do.

I go pick up one of those books and I flip through it and I'm like sharing content from it. Right. Um, so, you know, as you're getting started, it doesn't even have to be this perfectly orchestrated mapped out because I can see where it could be overwhelming of like, okay, I have this whole book. How do I map out the whole book?

t it. And that's cool. But I [:

A couple of weeks, you can't go back and have this like perfectly orchestrated, organized, like breakdown of every chapter and have the perfect amount of social media pieces that you want. You can, and by the way, if you're growing your network, then the new people you put your network aren't even going to know that you're recycling some stuff.

Anyway, right. If you go back and do it in a more organized fashion, but, um, I am a huge fan of imperfect action over paralysis. So you know, um, instead of trying to, and I, and I don't mean to step over whatever Jake's coaching you on, but instead of trying to make it this perfectly curated a hundred days of content, I would say, just pick up your highlighter and read the first chapter and be like, where are some little knowledge bombs that I can just drop here, um, on LinkedIn.

fect action. And. Um, if you [:

And then another spin on it is taking a chapter and talking about it. At this point, having published the book, you could probably talk about the chapters with your eyes closed. So you could even do lives where you talk through the core concept of the chapter. You do a scheduled LinkedIn live event where you're talking about it.

Now you have 12 LinkedIn live events that you can talk about. You can do those, take that same content, turn them into newsletters. Articles and then bite sized nibbles of individual knowledge bomb, just quotes that you put in there, or, you know, pieces of content that you can put into a LinkedIn post, does that help?

dously. Thank you very much. [:

So when you, that chapter, like there's a chapter you read, there's some core concepts, you could break them down into little, little carousels that you swipe, swipe, swipe. And you could use that over on Instagram too, if you're using Instagram, right? Um, yeah. And that's something you can outsource to, right?

ff this content and give it, [:

Yeah, that's awesome. Thank you. Now I gave you too many ideas. I'm sorry. No, it's all good. It's all good.