Episode 173

173: Mastering High-Ticket Sales

In this vintage episode retrieved from the archives, the impact of your selling skills on your business takes center stage. Are you unintentionally undervaluing or prematurely concluding sales with your clients? Melissa delves into the realm of high-ticket sales, prompting you to identify your target audience, understand their hangouts, and master the art of authentic conversations. Unveiling the four common mistakes hindering success in closing high ticket sales, Melissa highlights the surprisingly simple solutions.


Beyond the pitfalls, she guides listeners on effective strategies for sealing the deal during high-ticket calls. Ever wondered about the optimal time to pitch a high-ticket item? Melissa sheds light on decision fatigue and advises maintaining clarity in conversations while creating an "impression of increase" during connection calls. Intrigued? Tune in to this episode of Burn Out to All Out for a revelation-packed session with Melissa that won't disappoint.


Topics discussed in this episode:

  • High ticket sales
  • Sales Skills
  • Business transformation
  • Psychology of Influence
  • Tone and pace
  • Decision fatigue

Connect with Melissa:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-henault/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissa_henault/

For free resources and information on Melissa’s current offerings: www.burnouttoallout.co

Free LinkedIn Productivity Checklist: https://burnouttoallout.co/checklist/

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“Her energy is always refreshing. I love being able to apply her strategies to whatever my project is at the moment.”

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Melissa: [:

Husband's out of town. Look on day three of a webinar. I love my little doo rags. I haven't washed my hair in a couple of days, but I'm here and I can make a million dollars. And so can you, right? That's just the way it works around here. Three years of noise, I've got contractors everywhere. I've got people cleaning the house, which is I'm grateful for, but there, there might be some moving and shaking around here.

here's the deal. So when you've actually known me for a while, some of you, if you, if you don't know, or we haven't elaborated in a whole lot, I came from corporate, right? I came in a corporate role. I spent time in sales. I spent time in marketing, actually sit, spend time in scientific writing and medical writing as well.

first e-commerce business. I [:

We crushed it, started selling our mastermind. We crushed it. Why, why were we able to, why were we able to grow businesses so quickly? I will say this till I'm blue in the face. It doesn't matter how good your product or service is. If you don't know how to sell it, you're going to fall flat. Right. I quickly learned.

And I want you guys to write this down. I quickly learned that selling is serving. Okay. I hope that we have some mindset shifts today about that. Okay. Selling is serving. Okay. The transformation for the client. It comes in the form of a financial transaction. We're going to talk about this today. We're really going to unpack it.

o the financial transaction. [:

Okay. I'm going to give you some examples. We see it in our academy all the time. We were just talking about it the other day, what's a launch. We actually give out a scholarship to our academy. It's one lucky soul gets to come in at 50% price. And it's an incredible marketing strategy. We do it every year.

We do it because it's a challenge that whom shares the most on social media. Our program, is raffled off for a scholarship in the program. So it's a really awesome referral based marketing that we talked about yesterday, right?

Getting your [:

Okay. If you guys heard my story, once you've heard it a million times, my own transformation and launching my own coaching business occurred when I was sold a coaching package that nearly made me throw up. Okay. I paid $12,000 for a one-on-one coach, six months coaching session with a field expert who was a, she had created her own personal brand and was a coach.

knew she knew what I needed [:

After I got off my calls with her, I did everything she told me to do. Why? Because the stakes were so freaking high to get my ROI. I know by the end of the year, when we did our taxes, my husband was going to be like, what is this? 12 grand? What was that at? Where, what was that invested in? Right. And if I didn't have an ROI on it, To explain that it was worth the investment.

ou to know in your soul that [:

Okay. So I want to ask you guys a question you guys can share in the chat. How many of you guys right now want to charge more for your services today than you do right now? How many of you would like to charge or for your programs for your products? You know, you deserve it. But you haven't quite built the competence to ask for more.

I met, you have some bourbon [:

Right. And Michelle, I know she's in our mastermind. We're going to be doing a deep dive and our role play on this really soon inside of our mastermind is going to be a lot of fun. Okay. So I want you guys in my own experience selling high ticket over the past two years, when you guys write this down, this was really, really.

ion for the year high ticket [:

You may be saying, well, how, why? I want you to think about your own programs, what you have to offer. What I can tell you from my experience in high ticket program. The skills you learn from high ticket investments and the relationships you build, they go with you, you take them with you for years to come, right?

And so a couple of examples, you may see a relationship in a group that you invest in that turns into a business transaction years later, this is what I'm talking about. Being a lifetime investment, or you could invest in a high ticket program and you reap the ROI immediately through instant coaching that makes the transformation and instant connection with someone else in the business.

wo examples, and this is why [:

It's not an immediate transaction. They're getting an ROI on just today, tomorrow or the six months with, during the program. This is a lifelong skill set that they have for life. Right? The two examples I wanted to give you guys relationships, they may come to you quickly. They may come to you later in life as a total business transaction.

I was in a mastermind last year, the girlfriend, Rebecca coffee Euro. Who's also an online entrepreneur reached out to me a year after the mastermind is over and she's, I'm flying out to Palm Springs next week to be on stage and coach to her community. Right. That as an example, I invested $18,000 in that mastermind two years ago.

And now I'm on stage two [:

Right? Because I instantly actually gave a lot of customers because they put me on stage to teach methods that people wanted to learn about. Right. So I want you, if you didn't write it down, I want you to remember, and I want you to write down that high ticket sales is about how the investment and the transaction is for a lifetime value.

far as sales go is that you [:

It's either impacting you positively or it's impacting you negatively. Okay. Your ability to sell today. You may be leaving lots of money on the table. The good news. What's the good news about this. That can be changed, right? It can totally be changed to learn the skillset. And again, I truly believe that coming into entrepreneurship with a background and understanding the psychology of selling, which we're going to talk about, allowed me to grow so quickly.

? Is it different closing, a [:

Is there a difference in psychology of selling someone between them? I see Fiona saying no anybody else. So I will tell you, I truly believe there's a big difference in psychology. There isn't. There isn't actually the same psychology I used in my e-commerce business. That was low risk. I still apply today where the stakes are much higher and the investments are higher, but there is a difference in understanding when people are more readily, willing to purchase and why they purchase.

s are very similar. Okay. So [:

Number one. Who are they? Okay. Who are these people that your trying to sell to? Number two, where do they hang out? Where do they hang out? How are you going to find them? Number three, how to have an authentic conversation when you find them, how to have an authentic conversation, when you find them now, Number one who are they?

number three, how to have an [:

Okay, that's what we're going to unpack today. What first we're going to talk about too low ticket mistakes. Any of you guys, a master at selling low ticket, but now you've kind of worked your way into something more of higher value and you're kind of at a loss, right? Don't make these mistakes. Okay. Low ticket mistakes that will lose your high ticket sell.

was satiating prospects and [:

Okay. I was getting into teaching mode and trying to show how much I knew and provide so much value on the clarity calls, the prospecting. Cause that by the time we were done with the console, they were satisfied. Does that make sense? They're like, I'm go. That was so good. I'm good right here. I think I'm showing my knowledge.

And I'm like, the call went so well. Why aren't they investing you're over teaching your older teaching, you're satiating your potential client. I've learned from that. I had a consult call the other day with a potential mastermind client. I knew exactly what she needed. I refrain from giving her any of it because I knew she would feel like she just got a free coaching session and she didn't need to come into the mastermind.

t. Okay. Is this making sense[:

And when they don't make the purchase, they don't get the transformation. And when they don't get the transformation, you don't get to serve. So here you're looking for this, Chris Kinney calls it, the hug, like you're looking for the hug on the front end with the call, but then you never get the hug on the back end because they never invest.

om her today, right? What am [:

She may have never jumped in. Right? I want to cut my nose off to spite my face. And I wouldn't have been able to serve her as this making sense for you guys share with me in the chat. If you've ever been an overtime. Share with me in the chat. If you've ever been at over teacher, you've gotten excited and you just started vomiting.

ng you teach, you go through [:

You literally overexplain and confuse and terrify people to consider committing to. Right. You guys want to hear how I describe our program on a console call? You guys heard Jessica, it's an earful to really hear all the components of our program. Right? Here's what I say. You know what? It's a mastermind where we meet every other week in a coaching group, you know, you'd get one-on-one coaching monthly with us for support.

That's customized on your journey. We've got a custom set of on-demand modules that we're going to specify, which ones you should start with, the jumpstart, your business. Oh. And we have this live event to really get the community together and collaborate. And in 12 months you'll have a business transformation.

at are in our program? No, I [:

High-level I'm ready. Right. When I got on my call with Chris harder three weeks ago, he didn't have to convince me, right. He literally like spent 15 minutes getting to know me. I asked like three or four questions. I was more concerned about when the events were than anything else. Cause I wanted to make sure I could make them if I was investing in the program, right.

The bottom line is it's a different type of sell, right? You're not in the business of convincing people at high ticket and you certainly don't want to overexplain to a really busy person. Doesn't have a lot of time to begin with. We want to keep it simple. And if they want to ask questions on pack, different categories.

a month, that live coaching [:

We come to the group, everybody comes in and gets a chance to share their challenges, a think tank. They all learned people come out learning and gaining things in quantum leaps because they're learning about each other's challenges. Okay, cool. You know, and then you move. Right. But you don't want to vomit all of that unless they're curious and want to learn more just to share every other week coaching is good.

Right? Okay. Is this making sense? All right. We talked about the two low ticket mistakes over teaching. Overexplaining all right. There's actually four. I said to them, I already said this one over convincing.

ize when are over convincing [:

Like, when you have to convince people, right. If you have to convince them, we're not in the business of convincing, right. We want this. To convince themselves. And we're going to talk about that in a couple of minutes. We want them to convince themselves through us asking the right questions. Right. So that they sell themselves, not you.

ess of convincing people. We [:

Because then when we spend time on the call asking them questions, they feel heard and they feel understood. I say this all the time, what do I say? People by the perception that you understand their problem or challenge better than anyone you'll never understand their problem or challenge. If you don't dig and ask and peel the onion back with more questions, how come, why is that?

r tongue and continue to ask [:

You make it about the money. Okay. You make it about the money. As soon as you start thinking about what this sale is going to do for you, instead of the transformation, the person is going to receive you've lost the sale. You broken rapport. The sale is gone. The sale is gone. People since commission breath, they, since your desperation, you have to be at a place of serving and being okay with the fact that when the 200 get on the call, it may or may not be the right fit for you or them.

ant to be thinking about the [:

Right. Things you want to do. Okay. So we've talked about what not to do, who wants to learn what to do. He wants to learn what to do if you want to says, okay. So number one, I want to say this, the goal of a consult is to get clarity. Okay. The goal of a consult is to get clarity of, is this a yes, or is this a.

he client. If this is a yes, [:

Right. It's just to see if it's a good fit or if it's the wrong fit. Right.

Okay. You guys write this down because this is really important. You cannot influence someone who's not open to your influence. You cannot influence someone who's not open to your influence. Why is that? There's some psychology behind it.

They are pre-programmed. To object to what you have to side. people know coming to a call that you're going to try to pitch them. And so they're, pre-programmed that you're going to be pushy. They're concerned before they even get on the call that you going to try to sell them when people are on their defense, you can't sell them.

Anyway. Does that [:

Like, right. That's just what we do. It's like, don't tell me, right. I'm not open to be sold when I'm innocently like this. Right. So what we're going to talk about in a couple of minutes, not right now and a little bit, when we're talking about how we break that cycle, crack the egg open and build rapport so that they are open.

you. They're with you. Yeah. [:

So I'll give you my own personal example. I tend to be super hype-y. I tend to be really loud. If you end up on a phone call from me, you're turning the volume down. You're like, whoa, like she's so loud. Right? My husband, my kids. They're always like, we know when you're working, mom, we can hear you. I'm so loud.

I can't help it. I don't know why. And I got on a console call with someone who was interested in our academy. And the moment the call started, she was very subdued. Her energy was a lot like different than mine. She was talking like this. She had a couple of questions and believe it or not, I met her at her tone.

nearly as like hypey as you, [:

she was like, I, I love the content and I need to learn LinkedIn, but your energy is like really overbearing. And I would like, that was one of my things is like, is every coach in here? Like you, luckily, no, we have a lot of certified coaches who are much more subdued and like, you know, nice, not so hypey bottom line.

She joined us and paid in full. Now, if I hadn't jumped on that call and just been the person I am me and her in the call, no one else. Do you think I would have closed the call or do you think I would have repelled her and probably helped convince her that it was the wrong fit because I didn't match her tone.

o sell, you know, same thing [:

Like I thrive on that, right? I'm not investing in someone who can't match my energy. So you have to be, you have to be aware of the person on the call and what's their comfort zone and engagement. Okay. Number two, things to do. Number two, write things down, write things down. Okay. What does this do? Well, one, it helps you actually vision pass and help close them in the end.

. Right? So we have to write [:

That this is important. The last thing I want to talk about is for, especially those of us. And again, this is something I pulled from Chris, Kenny, because he's a master of sales here, is over connecting, women can actually over connect. They tend to do this a lot more than men.

And that is when you get on the phone with someone that, you know, casually, for whatever reason, if you're the one that's about to pitch a high ticket program or close them on something fairly expensive, and you spend too much time in the pleasantries going back and forth about your nail Polish and that, then you worry Astra guy and, you know, talking all things, women, right.

by the time you go to close,[:

t's all psychology. And so I [:

I had a consult for our done for you program. And I adore and love this person. And I wanted to spend 20 minutes just getting into life with her and what was going on. Right. But I realized that wasn't going to serve her and that she may end up thinking by the end, there was no perception of. So I had to jump straight to business as quickly as I could and say, Hey, I know we're both really busy.

I'd love to catch up with you later on all things in life. But what I really want to do is in these next 15 minutes, really bang out like what it is, the interest you in this program and how I can help. You got to get straight to cause guys are good at that. Girls were not so good. Right? Now this is a big one who knows the number one day of the week.

tions for high ticket sales? [:

We get decision fatigue every day, starting on Monday from the moment we wake up and have to decide what to put on from our eye shadow colored or shoes. Maybe you have to dress three kids and pack their lunch boxes and decide on all of their food too. And their snacks mid morning snack, mid afternoon snack.

And then you got to dial in to work and you got to make decisions for everybody else in your team. And that's just Monday. Right? Okay. And then you do that over and over and over again, we become fatigued at making decisions. Studies show that people do not, and that. As nearly as frequently towards the end of the week, as they do at the beginning on high ticket.

Now people do make [:

They don't, what happens is people have a clear, fresh head on Mondays and it's when they make their investment decisions, right? Because your head is fresh, right? You've got the rest of the week ahead of you. You haven't been making decisions all week. You've got a clear head for me to help you make clarity on whether it's the right decision or not. And you're going to feel a lot more confident about your, and that's when you make it at the beginning of the week.

then they ghost you when you [:

And they take that mindset into the weekend and make that decision about the investment with the broken mindset they have. That's got them in the place they are today. Right? So what I challenge you all to do, and this is something I coach my team too, as you're getting towards the end of the week.

ey've already committed to a [:

But if they haven't committed to a console call with you before the week is up, they're going to take the mindset they currently have. And they're going to continue to live in the past by making the same decisions they always have, and they're not going to invest in themselves. So it's super critical that we focus our energy as much as possible on trying to have our consult calls earlier in the week. It doesn't mean you don't close people towards the end of the week.

But now that it's really smart to try to funnel all those conversations into Mondays and Tuesdays, is this, is this helpful you guys, is this making sense for you? Yeah. Okay. Two more things. we talked about this in our mastermind and in our LinkedIn academy of the day, it's never a money problem.

You guys write that down. It's never a money problem.

sking problem. If there's no [:

t inside of them. We have to [:

It is never a money problem. If you can help this person solve a problem, that's going to create a solution. That's going to change their life. They will find the money. They will find the money. It's an asking problem.

All right.

So with that, it's been fun, guys. I wish you guys the best. And I look forward to seeing some of you guys on clarity calls. All right, bye. Bye.