Episode 172

172: Why a PhD Isn't Always Impressive in the Entrepreneurial World

Proud of the fancy credentials that come after your name? You should be! But does your target buyer really care?

In this quick but helpful hot-seat coaching session episode, Melissa breaks down when and where it makes sense to promote your higher education credentials in your content. You might be surprised by what you hear.

If you’re not sure how to leverage all the degrees under your belt to position yourself in your industry, this episode will help you out!

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • content
  • credibility
  • academic content
  • ideal audience
  • coaching space
  • entrepreneurs
  • online business
  • authority
  • business growth strategy
  • engagement
  • marketing
  • SEO
  • career history
  • LinkedIn

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BOTAO Ep 172



Should we in this space. Be using them are not and now, namely mine, because even in the course of the last three weeks since I joined this program, I've been changing it. Should it be the PhD at the end? Should it be at the doctor at the front? Should I just be dropping it and they can look at the credentials?

That doctor means something. [:

It, it just has so many connotations to it. And, but again, that comes from the students and their disrespect. And so this, it's a heated thing and I've done the reading on it, the research and every article goes one way, whether it's a male or female writing it or with a title as to whether you should or you shouldn't.

realizing it's really those [:

It's really more about leveling up that content, leveling up. How you're developing the courses, how, you know, a lot of what you're doing. I laughed when I was talking with Jackie, cause I'm like, Oh my gosh, that's exactly. I mean, I truly I've joked, I think on that call too, I want Jackie's job, just not for someone like you.

I mean, for you, I mean, I don't want to take hers, but I want her job. If that makes sense. I love this conversation. Okay. So you're asking me, I'm an N of one and I have a doctorate and I'm in this coaching space. I'll give you my two cents. Take it or leave it. Academia has a massive ego around titles. When you get into the entrepreneur space, nobody gives a flying, you know what?

Um, I, I like [:

My, all my really close friends who are still in like clinical pharmacy, who have these 12, 000 acronyms for certifications after the name for all their residency, post residency, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like it is an ego thing on LinkedIn for all of that to be listed out. And entrepreneurship, people just want to know if you're going to get them results, if it's going to impact their bottom line, are you going to change their life?

you know, um, and living the [:

Energetically that I wanted to live and I didn't care. I didn't give a fly and flip what his certifications were. Right. So I'm an end of one. You're asking my personal opinion. I think there's a lot of ego in academics, but the reason I asked about your target market, cause we do have clients whose target market is in academia.

So they have to tow that line and put it out there. And so if you're going to be. Marketing to that group, then you have to know their ego and you have to make sure you have those box checked. But if your mainstream audience is just, um, you know, mainstream entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, that's not aggregated or segregated into the academic space.

yeah, when I talk to people, [:

And one of the, one of the data points that we look at is the most popular job titles of people who research you. Right. And for the last two or three years, pharmacists and people with a doctorate were like the top people on the search function. And this sounds horrible, but we were like, that is not our audience.

t degree and the more it was [:

So that's something to think about too. So, okay, I just real fast then since you headed down that path because my other piece and I know that this isn't supposed to be my resume anymore. And that's where it's been and how it's been. What do I do with that though? I mean, because do I put a background in the about section?

Because I mean. Even when I'm working in this space, the fact that I've developed courses and programs for big names like MIT, Southern New Hampshire, Western Governor, I mean, that means something because it's that program level stuff. Totally. I think you can put that in your summary session. Like, I, I haven't, we had a client who, um, she was a social media manager for Justin Bieber.

just saying, um, and in her [:

It wasn't in my summary, but you could see my career history. I was a medical director here. I worked at GlaxoSmithKline. I was a pharmacist. It's there. Right. Um, it's just not in my summary and it's not in my title and my headline. Okay.