Episode 242

242: How In-Person Events Change Your Business & Your Life

Success sparks when you ignite real connections and build one-of-a-kind relationships!

In this exciting episode, we’re thrilled to chat with Lori Harder, one of our standout guests for Burnout to All Out Live in Austin this October! Lori’s a powerhouse entrepreneur and popular podcaster who’s recently been making some bold moves in the business world. 

We’ll explore the magic of in-person events, the power of networking, and give you a sneak peek at this year’s top-notch speakers.  You cannot miss this!

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • live events
  • key speakers
  • Burnout To All Out Live
  • serial entrepreneur
  • podcasting
  • professional growth
  • in-person events
  • radical action
  • collaboration
  • power partnerships
  • business mentors
  • reinvention
  • LinkedIn™


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Hey. Hey. As many of you know, this October, I'm hosting the burnout to all out live event. It's our 5 year anniversary, and I wanna take you with me. So this week, I'm sitting down with one of my good friends and keynote speaker at the burnout to all out live event as we take you on the behind the scenes and support you in growing your audience and your business. Ready? Let's dive in. Need some effective tactical advice that actually helps you get results and makes a real difference in your life and business? You've come to the right place. If you're finding yourself here today, it means you're getting ready to gain serious traction in your business, rapidly multiply your income and impact, and you're ready to make it happen while living all out.


Guys, I'm Melissa Henault, your trustworthy corporate dropout turned 6 figure business burnout turned happy and healthy CEO of a multimillion dollar online business, and you're listening to the Burnout to All Out podcast. On this show, we're serving up innovative growth strategies, simple implementation methods to put them into practice, and action stimulating inspiration tailored specifically for the modern entrepreneur. Let's dive in.


Hey, hey, guys. So excited to pop in here and do a super quick interview with one of our incredible speakers for our upcoming burnout to all out live in Austin, Texas. And oh my gosh, just like 60 days. It's the very first weekend in October. Cannot wait to bring her here. So, so excited to bring Lori Harder here. Hey, Lori. How's it going?

Lori Harder:

Hi. I'm so good. How are you?


I'm so good. I'm vacationing. I'm up in New Hampshire with family for a couple of days before we head to Maine. I know you're back in Amazing. California now? Yes. So happy to be back. Yes. Well, just so excited to pop in here for just a couple of minutes.


I was just sharing with everybody how excited we are that you are one of our feature speakers at Burnout All Out Live in Austin, Texas.

Lori Harder:

I can't wait. It's like some of my favorite things to do is be at events with amazing women and be in the rooms with incredible people because the energy is you go home different.


Yes. You should talk about it today. Like events change you. They absolutely do. And I thought maybe that's what we could talk about. But really quick, before we dive in, just so that some of my followers who if you don't know, Lori, I don't know where you've had your head in a hole. But in case you don't know Lori Harder, one of the things I want to share and Lori, I don't know if you know this, but, like, you have literally inspired me for nearly a decade just watching you. You've just been a trendsetter and just being bold and taking radical action.


y, that's doing, like, over a:


Here we are collaborating together at this live event, and it wouldn't happen if I hadn't personally stepped into certain rooms, introduced myself, whether you're introvert or extrovert, like, getting in the room to show up. And I know with burnout to all out live, we've got 3 major focuses, which is to really grow you personally, grow you professionally, and to grow your network. And I thought maybe you could speak to just the power of networks and how that's impacted you making that concerted effort to be in the right rooms, to make the introductions, and how that's impacted your personal professional growth in life and business?

Lori Harder:

Oh my god. I love this question so much because you've heard me speak and you've listened to the podcast, and we know each other personally. I wouldn't have a story without getting in rooms like this. That is why I started doing events early on in my career, meaning we start doing the things that have changed us the most. And for me, it's been events because we can't be what we don't see. And sometimes we see it online, but it's a very different thing to see it in person when you get to talk to that person and go, oh my gosh. Like, you work up the nerve to say, I wanna do kind of what you're doing. And, you know, maybe you're talking to someone that you've put on a pedestal or as a mentor and they're like, Melissa, you can totally do this.

Lori Harder:

Let me tell you about my first event and how much I sucked. Let me tell you about how it looked like I had a 100 people there, but I gave 98 tickets away for free and had to hustle for 6 months. Like, that's why it's so powerful is online. You're not gonna necessarily get that conversation and camaraderie. And not everyone's like that in person, but a lot of people are. Yeah. So I think it it just, like, changes the game. It's worth it.

Lori Harder:

And there's something I think that there's, like, money laws and spiritual laws and there's something about exchanging money and showing up



Lori Harder:

That you're gonna get a payoff because it just has to. You're showing up for the universe and you're giving money, which is an energetic exchange. You're going to get something back out of it that you wouldn't typically get.


Absolutely. I love what you hit on there. Just by showing up and seeing other people take action that are maybe just a couple of steps ahead of you and just meeting even some of your heroes in person and being like, oh my god. They're just an average human. They're no different than me. They've just taken radical action, and now maybe I'm even more motivated to go back home and, like, do the damn thing. Right? Yeah. Well, the other thing I wanted to hit on really quickly was just that just, again, a little teaser for everybody, because Lori and Chris are gonna be speaking and talking about really high performing relationships.


So just a little teaser for you guys to know. This is some of the things for me talking about high performing relationships, but also pivots in business. Lori's recently gotten a product up and out. We're gonna talk about that journey. And with that, I thought it'd be really timely just as a little teaser since the event is in Austin. Can you give us a little teaser on your recent strategy to collaborate with your business partner? She's in Austin. Right?

Lori Harder:

She is in Austin. Yes. It was such a cool collaboration because it wasn't necessarily expected. And I think what was so awesome is Natalie Ellis, who is founder of Boss Babe. I knew that she was really interested in products as well. And she came in as an investor. One of the very first investors actually of when this was even light pink. And I had gone to Natalie a few times and been like, hey.

Lori Harder:

Could I get some of your help? I would love some of your mentorship because she's so good in in so many areas that I'm not. And so we've gotten to work together before this. But as she was having her own journey and I was having my own journey, what ended up happening is Natalie was really interested in starting a product, but she kept on going back to this place of wait. I really love this product that I'm already a part of. What would it look like if I just threw it out there and asked her if I could be a bigger part of Glowsy? And I'm so glad that she asked, and I wasn't expecting it. And so when it first landed the first day, I was like, well, I don't know. I'm like, not sure if I'm looking for a partner. But what's so cool is that this point in my journey after being able to, like, mentor with so many people and really start to learn how you know, I had such an emotional beginning part of this journey that it's almost like one of my biggest lessons was learning how to take a lot of the emotion out of the journey.

Lori Harder:

That's been my biggest lesson. And so what was cool about this is I was able to step back and go, am I excited about this partnership? Of course. Look at how great this could look on paper. But what does this actually look like? Let's look at skill sets. Let's look at how we work together. Let's look at what the partnership would actually mean. Let's look at percentages. Let's look at how we would communicate.

Lori Harder:

Let's look at all of these different things. And so I was able to step back and be like, okay, all emotion aside, what would this actually look and feel like? So I just feel like it came from a really beautiful strategic skill set place. Yes. Also, wouldn't this be fun? Great. Let's do it. So it's been a really beautiful partnership that I can say has just already been so beneficial. She has so many skill sets that I don't, that I'm like, thank God she's here to go take care of certain things in the company that I am not great at.


I love this. I love this. And I love your willingness to share your journey. And when we opened up early, and I was just saying, you have been such a powerful force since the day I first saw you on stage a decade ago at constantly reinventing, constantly looking for the next step and raising the bar. And there's nothing that's off the table that's possible. You just really set the pace for so many of us of what's possible. And so we are just so excited to hear from you for on stage at burnout to all Out Live in just a couple of weeks. Just hear more about your journey, be mentored by you, hear your stories, and grow just from the amazing human that you are.


We're so excited to see you there.

Lori Harder:

Well, I am even more excited because from a girl who has run events before, I am so grateful that I get to be a guest at your event. It's such an honor. I know how much literal blood, sweat, and tears, and energy goes into events. You guys, if you've never done an event, it's probably the most time consuming, energy consuming thing that you can do. But I know that, Melissa, you are so all in on your community. So I'm very excited that I get to show up and speak because I know what you're holding in the background. So I just really, really appreciate it because it's such an honor to go and speak to people who I know are awesome in your community.


Oh, well, thank you. You just you have such a gift and you're so inspiring. And I do really love and take massive responsibility for my community that show up, get on an airplane, and want to bring them the absolute best and ensure that they have the biggest breakthroughs. And so with that, I'm so freaking excited for you to be there. So quick reminder for everybody for burnout, all that live is right around the corner. It's in Austin, Texas. It's the very first weekend in October. I don't know the dates off the top of my head.


I should, but I don't. It's the 1st weekend in October. You can go up to my Instagram handle. You can grab the details. All the gold seats are gone. I think maybe we have 1 or 2 silver seats left, but we've got plenty of room for you in general admission for Friday Saturday. We've got a dance party on Saturday night. So Lori, so excited to be to see you there and to see your husband Chris as well, who's also my mentor, and to just really hear from you guys what it takes to be such a powerful power player relationship, what it takes to be high performers and be married together, Both of you with radical pivots and launching products in your businesses this year.


Both of you being in business collaborations this year and just learning from you as you guys have gone first. So thank you so much, Lori, and we'll see you in a couple weeks. I'm so excited. Thank you.

Lori Harder:

Thank you. Thank you for having me. And you guys absolutely go check it out because not only is it gonna be a great event, but Melissa is truly in her life. I get a little inside peek on a rocket ship. And there's reasons for that. Energetically, even if you're in her energy, like, she's on a rocket ship. She's doing all of the right things, and that only trickles down throughout her event. So I know that you don't withhold anything, and I'm super, super, I'm so excited because I want some of that Melissa magic.

Lori Harder:

So thank you so much and I will see you there. Thank you. I can't wait. Thanks, Lori. Bye bye. Bye, guys.




Come find me over on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, wherever you like to hang. Cannot wait to hear how you are enjoying and applying what you're learning. You guys reach out to me over on social because I love hearing what's resonating with you. When you reach out to me and you send me those personal DMs, they really do impact the content I continue to bring forward to you. So again, come find me, melissa_henault over on Instagram, melissahenault over on LinkedIn and Facebook. Can't wait to see you guys over there.