Episode 221

221: It's More Than Just a Testimonial

If you truly want to connect with your audience, it takes more than slapping up a case study on social media and calling it a day.

In this episode, Melissa guides you through a persuasive and attention-grabbing carousel and reveals the secrets to maximizing your testimonials. By following her lead, you’ll not only speak directly to your client but keep them coming back for more.

Join her in this practical hotseat and discover why the quality of your content matters.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • flow state
  • energetics
  • content pillars
  • testimonials
  • life coaching
  • cast studies
  • carousels
  • storytelling
  • branding
  • customer problem
  • priming your audience
  • education based content
  • empathy in marketing
  • LinkedIn™

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Melissa [:

Hey, hey, hey, I hope you guys enjoy these what I'm calling podcast shorts for my burnout to all out community. This is just a little peek behind the curtain of the coaching that goes on inside of my programs. We're bringing to you some of the best nuggets and coaching I'm giving, within hot seats of all of our different programs, whether it's our LinkedIn Method Academy, our Mini Mastermind, Business Basics, all the way up to our higher level Mastermind. If you're hearing some of these questions, and you're like, man, I wish I could get my burning question answered by Melissa. Hey, guess what? You could be featured on my podcast. If you've got a question that you want answered and you submit it to my team and we pick it, we will bring you here to the podcast for our podcast shorts and, do a hot seat with you. Where can you submit your questions? Send them to team burnout to all out.co. We'll make sure we drop that in the show notes for our podcast shorts.

Melissa [:

And I hope that you guys find as much value in the shorts as our clients do inside the program. Need some effective tactical advice that actually helps you get results and makes a real difference in your life and business? You've come to the right place. If you're finding yourself here today, it means you're getting ready to gain serious traction in your business, rapidly multiply your income and impact, and you're ready to make it happen while living all out. Guys, I'm Melissa Henault, your trustworthy corporate dropout turned 6 figure business burnout turned happy and healthy CEO of a multimillion dollar online business, and you're listening to the Burnout to All Out podcast. On this show, we're serving up innovative growth strategies, simple implementation methods to put them into practice, and action stimulating inspiration tailored specifically for the modern entrepreneur. Let's dive in. Joelle. Hello.

Melissa [:


Joelle [:

Let's start with wins. So fun with wins. One of the wins. So I part of the interesting thing on LinkedIn for me is getting clients, but also leaning into how much of the magic conversation I bring the energy conversation I bring into that platform. So I've been having fun finding my voice and sharing the things that I know with a touch of magic around the edges. And, I mean, people are so happy to see me. The engagement is huge and the affinity 20 years of affinity is getting stirred up because I'm actually showing up here.

Melissa [:

Yes. Yes.

Joelle [:

Yeah. So, like, just one little example. When I published my first article, it said, do you wanna send it to anyone? And I ended up messaging it to an old client, And she, like, let's get together. So we had this conversation. Haven't talked in a decade, apparently. I didn't even know that. And she asked me to speak to the women in tech, and she asked that early on in the conversation. And then she asked about me.

Joelle [:

And I was like, well and I talked to her about magic, and I was like, I don't know what this is gonna do for that offer. And at the end of the conversation, she says, I definitely want you to speak with our women in tech. So, yeah, it's like all the things, opportunity and just feeling into how to navigate all this.

Melissa [:

Yes. I love this. Have you read the book Stealing Fire? Especially if you go that route, like, here's the thing. I think this book would actually give you so much confidence for the direction you're taking on LinkedIn. This book is how Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and maverick scientists are revolutionizing the way we live and work. It is all about flow state and how we get into flow state, and there's just so much dancing around magic and energy and woo, but it hinges on what Silicon Valley is doing in this space and what the Navy SEALs are doing and scientists and there's even a whole segment on Burning Man in here. And so and how, like, it's a rite of passage in Silicon Valley at a certain level. If you haven't gone to Burning Man, you're there's something wrong with you.

Melissa [:

Right? So where I'm going with that is giving I mean, you already have the confidence you're seeing it, but this book really validates that it's a kinda coming of times that people are recognizing the power of it. Right? Anyway, it's a phenomenal book. Anybody wants to check it out.

Joelle [:

I love the idea of a case studies in the carousel. I've got so much testimonials, case studies, all that. 100. To share a testimonial exclusively, like, here's my little nicely designed testimonial, what's the context that I would share that other than coaching's amazing or I'm amazing or don't you want this? Like, what's the context without looking, I don't know, cheesy?

Melissa [:

Yeah. That's a great question. Let me see if I can pull up one that we've done recently. Because it is about kind of taking an angle that's informative. So here's one we did. This is a little swipey swipe thing. Right? It's a carousel. And the first one says, how new and new ish business owners can turn a nonexistent brand into a client magnet without spending a fortune to hire an expensive team.

Melissa [:

So, like, that's how we pitch the first slide. So then we go to the next slide, and we'll tell a little bit of a story. Countless entrepreneurs get branding wrong when they're just starting out, but this story will help you see the way out of the dirt and up to the forefront of your industry. Meet Suzanne and Shams. So it's not until the 3rd slide till we get to the actual client. Right? So we're telling a little bit of a backstory. And then we have Suzanne as the founder of Flawless Mama, a coaching business that supports mothers in prioritizing their relationships in themselves. She was overwhelmed and unsure about creating a brand identity for flawless mama, so she turned to the business basics accelerator for guidance.

Melissa [:

Problem. So this is where the case study starts. Right? We present what her problem was. Suzanne had trouble choosing colors and a vibe that reflected her values and personality while also appealing to her target audience. So for all of you guys, like, what is your client problem when they come to you? She also had a lack of a strong brand identity, and it made it difficult for Suzanne to connect with potential clients and communicate the warmth and authenticity of her coaching services. Then the next slide says what? Solution. Right? Okay. So, Suzanne enrolled in the Business Basics Accelerator.

Melissa [:

So, now, we're like, this is what she did. Right? Which offers comprehensive online business coaching, including a module on branding. And in the branding training, we help business basic students develop their brand name, their voice, their values, their statements, their differentiation, experience, positioning, identity, boards, guides, colors, solution. In Suzanne's case, we emphasize, and this is where we really get into the case, 2 key areas of branding to help her move forward with the most clarity and confidence. Focus on authenticity, and then we talk about it, color, style, messaging, then understanding target audience. And then we went into that knowing who she's trying to reach to, help create brand that resonates with with them, Suzanne's success in connecting with the perfectly imperfect mother, blah blah blah blah blah. Right? And then we get to the results. So you had problem, solution, and then in the results, we actually show the branding board that she came up with.

Melissa [:

So, the branding module provided Suzanne with breakthrough understanding of branding, encouraging her to focus on her personal preferences, leading her to choose colors and a style that she genuinely loved instead of focusing too much on trying to create something she thought would appeal to others. By following this guidance, she was able to develop a brand identity and authenticity represented in her values, personality, and the mission of her coaching business. Conclusion. So, then you can do the slide that says conclusion. Right? And you can give the conclusion. And so then, I have one more slide. So this is a quote from the client. The branding module was an absolute game changer for me and my business.

Melissa [:

And then the final slide, save and follow for more. Right? And this one, we didn't even actually encourage them to come check out our program or sign up because we weren't even open at the time. This was just a case study as probably a prime to come with for the doors to open in Business Basics. Right? The key is those first couple of slides, you wanna start with, like, a really catchy question that is like a problem that your current clients have that you've actually already solved with a particular client that you have a case study for. And then you actually use their case study to speak to your client of, like, what their current scenario, what their problem is, their solution, the results, and the conclusion.

Joelle [:

That helps. It's a lot of work. So it's not just throw up a testimonial and say, hey. I'm great. It's creative.

Melissa [:

You can totally just throw up a testimonial. Right? But if you want it to be more educational based and a little bit less salesy, Right? You turn your case study into content that people really wanna soak up and read, and they, like, could put themselves in that client's shoes. You know?

Joelle [:

Perfect. Thank you so much.

Melissa [:

You don't have to go to the lengths of making a 10 page carousel if you don't want. Now what I will say is if you create that template once, then you can, on occasion, maybe once a quarter, put a new client case study in there and the graphics and the prompts are all the same. You're just dropping in the new client in the story. Right?

Joelle [:

Cool. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

Melissa [:

Thanks guys so much for listening in on today's podcast episode. And I can't wait for you to see my upcoming guest in the next episode. You are going to love this keynote speaker. Hey, here's the deal. If you like this, please subscribe and leave a review. And you want the latest online business growth strategies and exclusive LinkedIn pro tips sent straight to your phone? Text the word update to 704-318-2285. That is text the word update to 704-318-2285. Can't wait to see you guys.

Melissa [:

Come find me over on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, wherever you like to hang. Cannot wait to hear how you are enjoying and applying what you're learning. You guys reach out to me over on social because I love hearing what's resonating with you. When you reach out to me and you send me those personal DMs, they really do impact the content I continue to bring forward to you. So again, come find me melissa_henault over on Instagram. Melissahenault over on LinkedIn and Facebook. Can't wait to see you guys over there.