Episode 175

175: Content Keeps the Sales Flowing

In this revamped episode, discover the top strategy to boost your sales.  While this episode might be from 2022, Melissa’s tips and tricks still apply to your business strategies today.


Melissa dives into the significance of content creation for your business. The focus is on generating valuable content that attracts clients, emphasizing authenticity in your communication and content delivery. If you've experienced past success but are currently facing challenges, Melissa advocates for a pivot in your approach.


Tune in as she not only shares her path to success but also provides actionable steps to make your content a pivotal factor in your business growth this year.


Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Content creation
  • Business growth
  • LinkedIn
  • Attracting clients
  • Providing value
  • Authentic communication
  • Adapting to the market
  • Internet marketing
  • Content strategy
  • Business development


Connect with Melissa:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-henault/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissa_henault/

For free resources and information on Melissa’s current offerings: www.burnouttoallout.co

Free LinkedIn Productivity Checklist: https://burnouttoallout.co/checklist/

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one thing that you can do in:


Right? We have to make content that attracts our clients? It's just like the question that just came in. Should I be telling them what I'm doing? Sure. You can tell them what you're doing, but that's not providing value. Provide the effing value and they'll know what you're about and follow you more to learn more from you. Right? Yes. Business is booming. When social media is not working for you, you need to ask yourself how am I working it? Okay? You know, and, I don't know. I can't tell who's in the in the chat here, but George, I'm gonna use George as an example because it's a good one.


Right? You can be relentlessly on an engine, relentlessly on a platform. But if all you're doing is spamming people with a curated script and not showing up authentically. Right? You're not making content that's attracting the ideal client? George will admit the first half of his journey in the academy, he was spamming tons of people. It It wasn't that he wasn't active. He was probably working harder than all of us. Right? But it wasn't until he stops spamming and he actually rolled up his sleeves and got authentic in his communication, in his content that his business started to boom, making more now than he ever has. George, I'm having so much fun watching can you and he's such a good example of where it's just like basketball. Right? It's it's the tool.


Right? It's the ball. Like, LeBron James makes 1,000,000 with that basketball. While for me, I make nothing. I mean, nothing with a basketball. Why? Because LeBron James studied the game with the ball, and he practiced with that tool relentlessly, and deserves all the success he's getting. We have to practice the tools that we have. So if you are here today saying LinkedIn's not working for me, social media's not working for me, I'm here to tell you, you are not working the platform properly and it's okay. You have to learn to work the tool.


Right? There are so many tools in this universe that when learned how to use properly, you can make 1,000,000, but when not used properly or practiced, you don't make any. Right? It's like I tell my my oldest son, we went to sign him up for soccer this year and he said, I don't wanna play soccer. I'm not even good at it. I'm really good at video games. I wanna play video games. I'm like Walker, the reason you're good at video games is because you play them all the time. The reason you're not good at soccer is because you play once a week during soccer practice. You would be just as bad at video games if you played once a week.


be on media to be present in:


Right? Until you get yourself out of denial that you don't have to do the work, You are not gonna see the success. Guys, there are weeks Lisa can speak to this. She does post all my content for me. There are weeks I abhor abhor writing content? I don't feel like it. But I know it makes me money. Why does it make me money? Because I show up relentlessly providing value and people know I'm open for business. Right? One of the things I wanna say here, some of you are resisting writing a lot of content? Some of you are riding the coattails of your previous success. How many of you are OGs who have a reputation and have been successful in the past.


Okay? I know I flatlined when I figured the system out on Facebook? I hit 6 figures and my business started to flatline because I had success, but I just kept doing the same thing. And it didn't work anymore. Right? It was a saturated market. Right? But regardless, if you've been successful, but now you aren't finding success, I'll ask you a couple of questions and we'll talk about this in a second. But if you have found success and have been an OG, successful in the past. We see this with some clients. Would they come in and they're high 6, 7 figure earners in their businesses and they can't grow anymore because they're not you know why? I love this quote. Success is the beginning of the end.


Write that down. Success is the beginning of the end. Why? Because you're not willing to do things differently because you've had success doing it the old way. Right? And so it is the beginning of the end if you're not open to doing things differently because the economy, the way we market, business changes? Don't believe me? Think about OG as an original gangster. OG's are original gangsters. Sorry. My, my age is coming out here. Think about it.


IBM was an OG and they didn't think or do differently. Are they still are they still as successful and profitable as they were? No. Because he didn't pivot market and do things differently. I love the quote, success is the beginning of the end. We have to be willing to do things differently, right, and adapt to the market in order to continue to thrive. So don't let previous success be the beginning of the end for you? K? Now one of 3 things is probably your problem if you're not successful on social right now. K? One of 3 things. Number 1 is that maybe you've just lost your zest in zeal and tenacity for what you do? Right? Many times we're not motivated to write content because we've lost the zeal for our business.


And, I mean, there's different directions you can go with that. Number 1, if you've been successful and you're just tired of doing it, That's hey. Hang your head up on that. Go start another business. Find another passion project. Right? Find a new way to get reengaged, reignited. Dig deep into your why. What excites you.


Right? Like, make a choice. Reignite the fire or start something else. Right? So if you've Lost the zeal? Figure out why. Find your zeal or go find a new passion to have the zest for. And you'll the content will start flowing? Because you'll be passionate about it. Right? Number 2 is the audacity? And I already talked about this a little bit. Number 2 is the audacity that what you've done in the past to grow your business is enough. Right? I will say that again.


The audacity to think that what you've done in the past to grow your business is enough. I can expand upon that. We, as a company, ran into that this summer. Right? We had generated a lot of leads. We got really busy with the business And the CEO, yours truly, stopped writing content. I stopped writing content because I wasn't doing what I said I do. I got busy building the business, leading the business, coaching the team. I stopped doing or actually stopped doing what was working for us, And they talk about it being the beginning of the end.


We had such raving fans and just clients coming in from word-of-mouth. Now why do the work? It's coming to us. It's coming to us. Right? But when I stop telling my story online and I stop showing up on social, slowly, we stopped getting leads into our businesses. Right? If people don't know you're open for business, how can they find you? How can they find you? Right? So we about faced at at the end of the summer and revamped our marketing campaign and I got militant about posting on social? If you go to my feed now and you follow me, it's everywhere. And what's happened? We doubled our our enrollments for our workshop this week. We have we maxed out our Zoom line. Because you know why? People have been engaged and following me on social because I've been giving.


I've been giving and giving and giving. I've been showing up and people know what I'm about. Right? They know who I serve and if it's relevant for them? Because I'm creating enough content that they're either aligned to me or they're not. Right? Okay. Three things that could be holding you back from growing your business. Right? I said audacity, that what you've done in the past is enough. You can only ride your own coattail for so long before you're done. Right? Number 2, you've lost the zeal or tenacity to go after it.


Number 3, if all of those are true and you're like, no Melissa, I've got all that. Then you've got the wrong network. Right? If your content's spot on, if you're showing up, if you're willing to adapt, you've got the zeal and the tenacity ity? And your content, again, is on point, then you've got the wrong network. And you need to grow the right network. Because if you had the right network, it would align to them and they would engage. Right? So the question is, who is gonna do the work to get good at it. Right? It is an art. We talked about LeBron James in the basketball and why he makes millions with that tool.


Why many people in social selling make millions while others don't. They've mastered writing content? They've mastered it. So the question is, are you gonna do the work? The work looks like cranking out A ton of content every week, whether you feel like it or not. Whether you're a 100% confident it's the right content to put out. And then after action reviewing your content to see who engaged in what content, what's resonating the most? Go study the people that you aspire to be and ask yourself, why is their content resonating with me? How do I emulate that? How do I copy that? It's the people who are rolling up their sleeves and they're doing the work that are getting the results? It's no different than basketball practice. You have to show up and write every week. Get on video every week. If you don't like to write, get on video.


If you don't like to get on video, get on podcast. Right? You can write articles, you can write videos, you can do polls, you can do newsletters. Right? But you have to do the work. The opportunity in the Internet space right now, guys, I am like, my mind is blown with the engagement we had on day 1 of our workshop today. There are so many people across this planet on the Internet right now that are ready for you to sell to, for your services and your product? But If you wanna sell things, you need to make it easier for people to buy from you. I'm gonna say this one more time. If you wanna sell things, you need to make it easier for people to buy from you. Okay? Which means you have to be creating content.


So you need to double down. Right? You need to double down. In the academy, you can go restudy the modules on how to create content. You need to commit to creating the content? And you need to sign up for our social media content feedback sessions to get real time feedback with our coaches so that you can progress? Because We can't just study how to do burpees. We have to do the damn burpees. Right? I'm gonna say that one more time. We can't just Study how to do burpees. We have to do the damn burpees.


That's how we get better. Right? As athletes, on social, we have to write the content. No matter how bad it sucks, you'll get better at it. Right? Study other people in the group that are crushing it. See how their content connects, evolves, attracts. Study who attracts you and why. Right? Okay. Alright.


I think I think that was it. Okay. Tough love. I told you guys it was a tough love day. I was like, I gotta be tough on these guys. I listen this most amazing podcast by Gary v and it just made me think, gosh, I need to relay this message to you guys. So let me know over in the chat. Many of you are watching right now.


What are you committed to? What are you committed to when it comes to upping your game on social? There is nothing, nothing more important to grow your business right now than creating copy that includes value add to the people you're trying to attract? And if you're not sitting down and protecting time to do it? You are leaving 1,000,000 of dollars on the table because the Internet doesn't know you're open for business. People do not know where to find you or who you are or what you have to offer. Okay? Alright. That is my tough love from me to you. Guys, please please please introduce anyone in your network to our work Shot this week over in the burnout to all out community. And you guys get savvy at repurposing stuff and breaking things down? You know, I'm reading a book right now and I am each chapter I'm highlighting and I'm taking little paragraphs and making weeks worth of content and mineness right now. Mind mind mineness? Mind wellness? Mindset, mindset. That's the word I wanna use.


If you go look at my I think it's my post today. It's an excerpt of, like, a ton of stuff I'm studying right now. And when my brain just starts to flow, I just start writing and then I can just chop it up into a series of posts for a week or 2 weeks. And listen, as you're doing it, you may not feel like, gosh, you'd rather be on the phone with the prospect making a sell or a deal. Right? But you have to attract them first to you through your content. Right? Okay. Alright, guys. I hope this was helpful.


I'll see you guys soon inside the academy.