Episode 154

154: The Post-Launch Actions That Could Boost Your Revenue

To be fantastically successful in marketing it’s important to leave no stone unturned.

Hot seat coaching just got hotter in this episode. Melissa and her community chime in to give you blazing tips on what actions you need to take post-launch to boost your conversions.  

Don’t give up until you cross that finish line because it ain’t over ‘til the cart closes! Make sure to catch this one.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • launch strategy
  • imperfect action
  • email sequences
  • outreach
  • CRM
  • online business
  • email marketing
  • social selling
  • digital marketing strategy
  • marketing
  • post-launch
  • LinkedIn marketing
  • personalization
  • conversion
  • sales process
  • business coaching
  • BOFU
  • LinkedIn

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▶ Free LinkedIn Productivity Checklist: http://www.burnouttoallout.co/linkedin-checklist

▶ For more resources and information on Melissa’s current offerings: www.burnouttoallout.co

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I'm not necessarily sure how to do that. Like what to say. I have maybe like 20 people who signed up for the text service, which also didn't go out as a reminder. I, I scheduled it and I'm looking as like zero and I'm like, nobody got any reminders about this event. Like, but you know, I told you imperfect action.

Right? This is how we learn. It's this is how we, this is how we begin to fine tune. Like, yeah, I made a post about this the other day. My first launch we did $1,200 and I didn't like, I screwed up on everything. Everything. Even like two years ago we were still fine tuning. It took us having the wrong zoom go out to 500 people.

For us to [:

And you fine tune and you fine tune and you fine tune. Right? Um, yeah. So the email sequence follow up that she's talking about, anybody who wants access to it, just let us know. I think Jackie just gave you access to our like follow up nurture, um, if it's something you wanna build out, um, and customize for yourself.

launch this last launch. She [:

Anything you wanna share with Noelle on what, what you did? And don't make me laugh, Anne, uh, kind of an inside joke with Pam Carey. Um, are, are you talking the, the LinkedIn Academy launch, right? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Um, hmm. Well, see this is, this is a hard one for me because I was a little haphazard. Like, 'cause I, I'm a fairly new to the social sellers.

Like, I had to do everything [:

Whereas, you know, Laurel, the queen had everything, she had her sequences set up. So she, I think she could breathe a little bit further. But I know the next launch I will have my sequence ready. I can take some, uh, some breaks, not work 12 hours a day, but, um, Yeah, it was, but it, it was fun. The c r m is amazing.

It really helped us a lot, but, uh, but I just didn't have things set up and I, you know, I, I'm an overthinker, I told you that I'm an overthinker in recovery and it's just like if I, if, if I do it, I was afraid to do it wrong. So I said I better do it manually so that I, I make sure it gets done properly.

sed an Excel spreadsheet. So [:

But what I wanted to share, and then I also wanna turn over to George. 'cause with our last launch, he was one of our top social sellers. He may be able to give you some advice too. Um, but for me, as the, the face of the company and during launch, Noelle, um, My fingers and voice were gone by the end of it.

So the moment that I open cart and the live is over, I'm on my phone and I am voice noting every single what, what George and Sandra deem as a hot lead possible. Which for you would be anyone who engaged. I mean, you have a short enough list. You could realistically follow up with everyone. I bet. I personally followed up with maybe four or 500 people in the matter of, of three days.

ur voice kind of thing. But, [:

First of all, that's like your hottest list. And then like stratify a list of like, maybe, maybe they didn't show up for everything but they engaged here or there in a post or whatever, like a warmer ish lead and then like your super cold leads that registered and never said anything. Depending on your time, you wanna follow up with the people who showed up first.

uld love to know what really [:

The doors are open to the program, and I'm just curious if you're considering joining us, and if you've got any questions, I can address them right here in the chat. Listen, I say I, I swear to you, I say it hundreds of times. That's amazing. But, but like I, I haven't gotten to the point where I'm, I'm gonna let that go because in the final hours, and this is important for all of you guys to know, I, I would say 30 to 40% of your sales can come in, like people give up before the grand finale, like I would say maybe 150 plus thousand.

d you're done, which is what [:

'cause there's so much buildup to it. Then you like open the cart and then you're selling, selling, selling. And then when you close the cart, your nervous system just wants to be like done. But the reality is there's tons of money left on the table for people who didn't show up, but were like legitimately interested and weren't able to make it.

Right. And so if they signed up but they didn't show up, you're saying there's a chance. Right. And you gotta follow up with 'em. And this goes back to my old network marketing days of like, no rock goes unturned. Right. George, what are your thoughts? Firstly, Noel, congratulations. 25% turn up rate on, on you think on three weeks.

e numbers, I've had to learn [:

That, that they're, they're interested. Um, we've got the absolute best thing with Melissa there, which is, and you've been through the masterclass, Melissa pours so much enthusiasm in. Really for people coming up for us, we're just mopping up and just, just really cleaning up all the good work she's already done.

ay, way ahead. And then your [:

It's, it's the same thing that we've, that, that we've seen in the base part of the academy. It's building that relationship. Mm-hmm. And people who've shown interest, who you give a relationship to. Like the feedback I've had after we've done the social selling from the people that said, oh wow, we really loved your enthusiasm the way you're doing it.

I'm like, look, you didn't really show much interest during the program, but then you just went and signed up anyway. Okay. And, and it happens in both ways. You get people who jump in, they were enthusiastic and they gave you all the indications and yes, you thought they were gonna do and they did go through.

t on live. Mm-hmm. Right. So [:

Massive steps. Keep it up. Yeah, absolutely. And two more things I'll say on this is some of your best clients, they're. They're too busy to just drop everything to show up for your free stuff. And so they'll sign up because they're curious, but they're too busy. And actually they're some of your easiest sales because you give them the replay page, they watch like 20 seconds of it, or for us, maybe a day or two of it, and they're like, sign me up.

es each launch come from the [:

From the the first launch, right? Yeah. So like out of those 80 that registered right now, I guarantee you if you ran another launch in a month or two, Probably a third of those 80 would invest next time and not this time. But a lot of people, again, when they first get started, they do their first launch and they're like, oh, it didn't work.

And they just throw everything out. And I'm like, no, no, no. You have to build momentum. You have to build momentum and build your pipeline because some people are gonna be ready to buy today. Some are gonna miss it and wish that they had caught it and they'll catch it the next go round. And it's about fine tuning the process.

closed or when does it close?[:

No, it just opened yesterday. So it's the 23rd. I'm gonna close it. Perfect. Yeah. So do you have a, a replay page with like a, like a deadline for them to watch or anything like that? Um, so far I, I just sent out the replay to them and I just said they have, well, 24 hours for the rapid action bonus. Mm-hmm.

And then I'm just gonna keep nurturing them for these seven days. So that's all I sent out so far was just like, here's the replace, because the bunch people didn't see it, you know, that I think wanted to, like, I had a lot of people who were like, I missed it. I was like, okay. So I figured I'd give that to them first.

And then today I'll go more into like, you can sign up for like a Calendly link and like how do you, how do you follow up on, uh, with a voice memo? I'm just curious, like, yeah. So first of all, let me say this and then we can move to that. Stay organized with your follow up. Okay. So I would get like, you can't be too organized.

n Excel spreadsheet. This is [:

Oh, I missed that business overview. Sorry. No worries. If you're really interested, I've got the replay, I can get it to you. When do you think you could watch it by or give them the deadline? The deadline's even better. This replay page is open for the next 24 hours. Um, you know, would love to follow back up with you, but you have to take notes on each of those conversations.

That's why an Asana board is really good too. Mm-hmm. And you can move them across, but otherwise launch it, it gets so hairy and you'll miss so many follow ups. 'cause you won't remember what conversations you were in and who you need to follow up with. Um, but if they registered, they were interested.

or us on day one, and again, [:

Whether it's LinkedIn, whether it's Instagram, whether it's Facebook, whatever's like your choice platform. Clearly our LinkedIn masterclass, we're speaking to LinkedIn, so, and for me it's the, um, It's just where we're most active. And I've got a team managing my account over there. So on day one, within the first five minutes, I'm like, Hey, if we're not connected over on link LinkedIn, send me a request to connect.

Shoot me a little note of how we know each other. Um, and, and feels it when we do that. And so does Allie. Um, but then, you know, then you have a place to connect with them. Yeah. Um, you know, so how do you send a voice note? One of the things we've done in the past that has not worked for me, maybe it'll work for you, is we created a video that's the same thing of the audio I just shared with you.


I don't know how my team was sending it out. Um, but everyone, I mean, you know, we've got like, what, eight or nine social sellers on the team that would send me a list, an email list to follow up with. And you're telling me out of all of them, not a single one is responding to my video. Oh, on the flip side, everyone responds to me on LinkedIn.

sletter, is, Hey, let's stay [:

A little QR link to, for us, it's to our LinkedIn newsletter, or let's stay connected in your ear to my podcast on a weekly basis. You've invested so much time, and if you're, you know, investing in ads or anything like that money, um, to get these people on screen, how do you then suck them into your ethos when it's over, even if they don't purchase?

Right? Yeah. Maybe it's a lead magnet. So during our launch, hey, don't miss our free LinkedIn checklist. Join our text community, and you'll get this downloadable checklist immediately. So we are just like herding cats the whole time we're in launch. We're like, you're not getting away from us. You're with us forever.

gnet. Yeah. So I think that, [:

Hey, you know, I would, I would, if there's a way to stratify your emails to like people, I dunno if you'd be able to do this, like identify who showed up versus who didn't. Can you do that? Um, I mean, I have the, the recording I can look on. Okay. And you could send a set of emails to the same people. Now this is where George or Sandra might wanna weigh in 'cause they're way more in the email game than I am.

I don't know if you'd wanna be CC or send individual emails. I don't know from a spam perspective. But you can send emails to the people who attended, right? With a slightly different voice of like, appreciating their attendance. You'd love their feedback. What, you know, what are they implementing? Um, Versus the people that didn't show up at all.

we revealed some incredible [:

Um, because I have found that doing a more personalized one with their name on it reaches much more than hi. And because they know that it's being sent to a bunch of people just the way it is. So if you can do it individually, great. Or if you have, uh, a system where you can do at first name and do it automatically, then that's, that's that, that would save you a lot of time.

, this is where it gets fun, [:

Uh, the 16th. Okay. So yeah. So you have 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Yeah. You have like seven days left. Yeah. To follow up with a list of 80. Yeah. And totally doable. Okay. I'm exci. I'm excited. It's, it is just, it's cool. I'm, yeah, I'm super excited. And the best thing you can do is just ask them for feedback. You know? Um, yeah.

That's how I start my conversation with people is I would love your feedback. Like, instead of jumping into, are you gonna join us? It's just, Hey, you know, I'd love your, for the people who attended, I'd love your feedback, real time feedback of what you're applying today. Um, and then when they respond, you get a little bit of conversation going, then you can say, oh, you know, I'm curious.

you considering joining us? [:

Is this applicable for network marketers? Should I, can I do this while working full-time? Like, like what? To us on the inside thinks it's like such a simple answer, but to them it was like the difference between investing and not. Right? Oh yeah. That's so cool. Because some wanna know how long is it, is it gonna be too time intensive?