Episode 135

135: Embrace Your Voice. It’s Time to Tell Your Story

They say everyone has a book inside of them.  Why not you?

The beautiful Danielle of Danielle Damrell Creative Collective joins Melissa today to talk about all things book writing.  She’ll give you her insightful advice on how to write, edit, publish, and promote your next great work.  Danielle is a key player in the creation of Melissa’s new book, Living All Out.  When it drops you’ll see how talented Danielle really is. 

You don’t have to just dream about writing that next bestseller.  Listen in and learn how to make it happen.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • book publication
  • publishing
  • tell your story
  • author
  • storytelling
  • collaborative books
  • influence
  • legacy
  • dreams
  • summit
  • women authors
  • book release
  • LinkedIn

Resources Mentioned:

Melissa’s new book, Living All Out - Register for the summit / book launch party and receive an instant PDF download of the book manuscript. https://burnouttoallout.co/summit/

Connect with Danielle:

Website: https://damrellcreativeco.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielledamrell/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielle-damrell/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DamrellCreativeCo


 Connect with Melissa:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-henault/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissa_henault/

For free resources and information on Melissa’s current offerings: www.burnouttoallout.co

Free LinkedIn Productivity Checklist: https://burnouttoallout.co/checklist/

Get text updates by texting ALL OUT to 704-318-2285

Burnout to All Out LIVE – October 6-7, 2023 - https://burnouttoallout.co/live-event-nashville/


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You know, there's been a lot going on, so it's okay. You guys, I am so excited to unpack for you today. Today's specifically around book publication process, and Danielle is our collaborative book manager on this particular, Project. She's actually a power partner of ours and we're doing business with her in a, a number of different ways and she really has got a lot of work, I think even collaboratively with our clients within our community.

ind of walk through our book [:

Yes. Right? Yes, absolutely. If you have the desire to be an author, you should be an author. Yes. And by the way, those of you who are watching this live awesome. But when this drops, we'll be dropped the day our book is dropped and is coming out to the world. The name of the book is Living All Out, and we're gonna unpack that today and really talk to you about it.

ications all over the world, [:

Damel Creative Collective in:

And offering one-on-one creative coaching and business services. I know she's working one-on-one with a number of our clients in our Mastermind to really get clear on their creative direction and brand, and they've found so much value in working with you, Danielle. The heartbeat of all that she does is to honor each individual person's story, whether through the messaging or visuals of one's personal branding, or through someone's literal voice.

e talking about storytelling [:

I wanted to just start with, since we're really featuring this book that's coming out and our work with you is for our listeners to understand. That in my Elevate 360 Mastermind, we believe in the 360 degree approach, which is, it's not just business strategy itself takes energetic work, it takes the right network, but also it takes a killer brand to win in the online space and have that credibility.

And I think that's where you really came in this year with a, a promise for our clients in the Mastermind. It is to work towards building that million dollar brand, which includes not only a photo shoot, Videography, but becoming a bestselling author in a book collaboratively, right? Yes. So I've, you've been leading the process since day one, so that you guys can understand the blood, sweat, and tears behind this book that is coming out the day this podcast is released.

These [:

Wanna check it out? Let's just dive into, 'cause this is a business strategy podcast, right? Yeah. So let's talk about from your perspective, 'cause I know you do a lot of collaborative books. What are the perks to publishing a book? And becoming a bestselling author, oh my gosh. There are seriously endless perks of becoming an author and bestselling author especially.

edibility and heightens your [:

So different. Everyone has a different story, and what that means is that there's probably not probably, there is absolutely a multitude of stories within a single book that can and will positively impact other people's lives no matter what kind of season they're walking through. So first of all, credibility, global recognition.

on their lives. I mean, how [:

That was life changing. And again, this helps establish that know, like trust factor in both your network and in your industry. And it is one of those differentiators that can help you stand out in your personal brand. The other big thing, opportunities for collaboration. So bestselling authors often find themselves collaborating with other authors, artists, and professionals in their industry.

These collaborations lead to opening new doors, then having new opportunities like speaking. If speaking, if public speaking is something that you really want to do. Then you should probably pursue writing a book because that is going to help you get in the right places and get your name out there enough for people to be like, whoa, I need that message in my life.

ig benefit of it is that you [:

Transcend time. Mm-hmm. Leaving behind such a lasting legacy. Bestselling authors are automatically a part of literary history, and their work will continue to inspire generations long after they're gone. So a book is one of the best ways to leave a legacy. If leaving a legacy is important to you, then get your words out in writing because that's not going anywhere there forever.

And two, two last things when it comes to like big perks of becoming a bestselling author and author. The next one, personal growth. So the journey of becoming a bestselling author challenges you and it also grows you. It pushes you to process your life. Your unique abilities to refine your writing skills, to learn about marketing and promotion, to develop resilience.

re's going to be roadblocks. [:

And that's another thing that's such a great benefit of a collaborative book, is that even if you don't have the time and energy right now, To put out a solo book. Being a part of a collaborative book can be just as enriching of a process in a more titrated way. Mm-hmm. So you can still balance the rest of your business and your life.

e, there's so many benefits, [:

Yes. Oh my gosh. So good. Well, and let's dive into our particular book. Uh, living All Out. It actually came to me in a breathwork session last year. You know, and I don't wanna steal the thunder of the actual book, but it was a vision of leading others in this lifestyle, of living all out without sacrifice, being healthy, wealthy, and happy, and being the example that it could be possible.

And I couldn't. Think of a better way to get the word out than publish a book with the 22 women who are currently in, and Chris, my Elevate three. I'm sorry. Women and Chris. And Chris, you're right. Sorry Chris. That to publish a book of 22 stories with their version of what Living All Out looks like, uh, collaboratively.

be take our audience through [:

You've been phenomenal as the collaborative book manager and working individually with these guys so that it is an enjoyable and fun process, that they weren't lost. You held their hand and you really know their story. So can you talk a little bit about. The process of putting together this collaborative book that's coming out.

, it's a really powerful and [:

And one of the big things that I came into this with was I need to make sure that these people feel honored in the process of telling their story. Because if you don't feel honored and you feel a sense of yuck, I mean there's lots of, lots of people who have have shared things or written books that haven't really been fully processed and they haven't gone bestseller because.

Of a variety of reasons, but a lot of it, it comes down to them not feeling good about the process of sharing their story. And so that was a huge goal of mine was like, okay, what do we need to do to break this down so that it's bit by bit and it's actually achievable and effective. Fun. That was a big goal.

she just helped them to gain [:

For them to live all out currently. Like what does living all out mean to you? And that was really the focus, setting the intention for the book right at the beginning. And then from there I met with each of the authors, both as a group and individually to strategize that writing process. So we covered what it looks like to do an outline and then a shitty first draft, which then eventually led to the submission of a complete and fully processed final draft.

that what they were writing [:

Aligned with who they are and the lives that they're living right now. Yeah. And then just about two months ago, the final drafts were due, which was an exciting time, but we pivoted at that point. We pivoted into the editing, publishing and promoting phase because it doesn't just stop when you finish writing your last word.

That is, that's the work, work part. Like the The grind part kind of. But the editing, publishing and promoting is a whole different phase. So we did some self-editing workshops. They all got partnered with partner editing, and then every chapter went through two rounds of professional editing as well. And then just in the last few weeks, we pivoted again towards the promoting of the book, and we wanted to give them all of the resources that they needed to promote the book effectively as well as get ready for the launch, the summit.

ly can they do this in a way [:

So we, everything that we've done in this process has been like, How do we support them as a whole in that 360 approach? So they've learned about assembling their launch teams and prepping for the summit that ties into their stories, but in a more business oriented strategy way. And then even after the summit, we're actually gonna continue to guide the authors on how to use their newfound credibility and God willing, bestselling author title to grow their brand and expand their impact in a whole new way.

e putting in, but it's like, [:

One bite at a time? You've made it so digestible and fun so that it's not this like overbearing thing, but they're being guided and paced. And I love what you said. We even had on our, our kickoff call for the summit the other day is like, guys, What you are learning about in launching this summit, you are going to be able to implement and launching anything in your business, right?

So it's so good By the time you guys get, if you're listening live, we do have a summit that will be streaming live on LinkedIn where we're gonna bring in all the authors and we are gonna showcase them and they're gonna speak around their subject matter expertise within the book. So you're gonna get to know the authors the day the book comes out, and maybe we can talk about that in a minute.

eme itself is like so widely [:

So just to give you a little bit of an overview, like Melissa said, the theme is Living All Out, and it's the incredible true stories of 21 entrepreneurs elevating their impact, passion, and legacy to break the chains of burnout and step into the f. Freedom of an all out life. And through this process, I'm not, I mean, I don't think anyone's gonna be offended by this, but even at the beginning it was like, am I living all out?

Like there were quite a few questions. Like they were internally processing that, am I in freedom or am I pursuing freedom? And I remember I took one of them, Laurel Boylan, she's an author in the book. I took her outside in Arizona and she was asking me this and I kind of just, I just grabbed her and I said, can you look around?

arted telling me story after [:

Things like roller coasters and other fears like that where she like just took the bull by the horns and just did it. And I'm like, that's your living all out story. That's it right there. Yes, and that's actually what she wrote about in her chapter. So to answer your question, I am excited. So excited about this book, but I think the biggest reason is because all of these authors are truly some of the most incredible and inspiring people I've ever met.

Just walking through this process alongside them has changed the way I view success, love, determination, resilience, and even how I approach parenting. There was a lot of, there's quite a few chapters in the book. Parents of adult children now who are talking about their experience with younger children.

rong. Am I like, am I hating [:

My daughter, and I know I'm a little biased, but I truly think that there is something for everyone to learn or feel encouraged and inspired by through reading this book. Gosh. Absolutely. And a quick and easy read. Even just pick up a chapter a day to just be inspired. Right. So good. Okay. So do you wanna share with our listeners when the book is coming out?


lly, really good day. And I. [:

Yes, absolutely. And if you're watching this live on LinkedIn, 'cause I know we're streaming live over there right now and within our Burnout to All Out community, if you want a link to the summit, just put a comment in the comment section, send me the link and know that we will be streaming live on LinkedIn live that day as well with the summit because if you don't know, you can stream live for four straight hours on LinkedIn, which is a.

Summit has, is, is going on [:

Maybe while you're listening to this or it has passed, but you can definitely get your hands on the book. Where can these folks, where can our listeners get their hands on the book when it comes out? Amazon, it will be on Amazon. Just type in living all out. I'm sure it'll be the first thing to pop up.

It's a beautiful book, black with gold lettering, living all out. Type it in. There will be a Kindle version and a print version and yeah, I hope you all enjoy it. Awesome. I love this. And finally, just a plug. If you're listening and you're like, oh my gosh, the idea of writing an entire book feels a little bit overwhelming, but the idea of a collaborative book is just write down my alley and you're hearing this collaborative process that we work with Danielle on.


Come check us out. You can come to my website, burnout to All out.com. You can check out the application for the Mastermind. I truly believe that. As Danielle said, being a bestselling author, which I'm just calling it out to the world, by the time you listen to this on a podcast, that's what we are. It's gonna happen.

Yep. Yeah. Being a bestselling author, having the authority, having that book in hand brings a whole nother level of expertise within your business and the way that you're viewed and the way that you're able to market yourself. And so we believe here at Burnout to All Out within our Elevate 360 Mastermind.

come around your network and [:

Again, truly an honor to be able to, to be in this community, and I just cannot wait for everyone to read these stories. Yes, absolutely. Let us know what you guys think. When you get the book. Let us know. Reach back out to us. And Danielle, where can people find you? People can find me. I am primarily on Instagram.

I'm trying to up my LinkedIn game, so I am on LinkedIn. Danielle Drell, just Danielle Drell on Instagram, on Facebook, on LinkedIn, all the same. So yeah, come connect with me, send me a message, and I would. Happily. Love to bring on more new friends and grow my network as well. Awesome. Well, you guys heard it from her.

Come find her. Awesome. Awesome. Thank you, Danielle. And we'll see you soon at the live event. Yeah, I'll be there. All right.